Streamlining Nursing Workflows with Medical Computers

It’s sometimes easy to overlook, but nurses are, in a very literal sense, the backbone of the healthcare system. In fact, there are more nurses than there are members of any other profession within healthcare. Unfortunately, for too many nurses, the job is often a thankless, stressful, and…

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Why Specialty Healthcare Will Go Remote

While the rest of the world fights to end the pandemic and return to normal, the pre-pandemic normal will never return for the healthcare industry. While several of the emergency protocols demanded by social distancing measures and surging infection rates will disappear, many of the technical…

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How the Internet of Medical Things is Changing Healthcare

Even though the healthcare industry is often reticent to adopt new technology, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) was already starting to alter the field of medicine radically before COVID-19 hit. Well, to adapt an old aphorism, necessity is the mother of innovation. COVID-19 has obliterated…

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Why a Long Product Life Cycle Matters in Healthcare

Regular readers of this blog will know that medical computers offer healthcare facilities many benefits over consumer-grade units. Beyond the advantages of their industry-specific features, one edge that medical computers have over the alternatives is their long life cycle. A product’s life cycle…

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How AI Helps Healthcare Improve Post-Facility Care

Healthcare for any given person isn’t something that ends as soon as they leave the hospital. Bar certain conditions and emergencies, illnesses are things that a patient will need to manage and care not to exacerbate even after they receive proper treatment from a professional. Whether this need…

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Preventing Lab Errors With Medical Grade Computers

Bloodwork and labs are an integral, versatile staple of healthcare’s diagnostic toolbox. Genetic predispositions, nutritional breakdowns, organ functions, there’s no shortage of valuable information to be drawn from even a small sample of blood from a patient. Unfortunately, as essential as this…

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How a Medical Computer Can Help Create a Medication Dispensing System

Nearly 6,800 prescription medications and over the counter drugs are available in the US. And each year, 7-9,000 people die due to errors made in the prescribing of these medications. This isn’t even considering the hundreds of thousands of patients who experience adverse reactions to improperly…

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What Are the New 21st Century Cures Act Interoperability and Information Blocking Laws?

Healthcare has recently been rife with policy changes and a “status quo” that has been anything but. And as we try to backwards engineer a new form of healthcare that can meet today’s pandemic-conscious patient’s needs, we’ve seen all manner of new policies ranging from the shutdown of elective…

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Telehealth and Diabetes Management

November is American Diabetes Month, a time where public awareness shifts towards the disease and advancements made towards its treatment and prevention methods. And this month of up-ticked awareness is much needed when you consider just how prevalent diabetes is in the US population. According to…

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Preparing for Better Telehealth Reimbursement and Better Remote Care

Healthcare is, understandably, undergoing a few growing pains. With 2020’s pandemic exponentially blowing up the importance and necessity of telehealth, several providers scrambled to quickly adopt new tech such as portable medical computer systems and services like remote patient monitoring before…

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