How Future CAD Systems Can Prevent Clinician Burnout

Clinicians are burning out. They are feeling overwhelmed, as they are tasked with more work while at the same time expected to see more patients every day. In a recent survey by the AMA, 54 percent of urologists felt burned out, followed by specialists in neurology (50 percent); nephrology (49…

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How Telemedicine Improves Maritime Healthcare

Most people in developed nations take medical care for granted. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the following lockdowns to contain it, brought to light the many gaps in healthcare systems to public attention.  One such gap was health services for seafarers like merchant ship crews. Roughly 90 percent of…

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What is the Future of Medical Transcription?

Medical workers are highly-skilled, educated professionals in the highest demand they’ve ever been, and the hospital of the future is the one that respects and preserves their precious time. To create the hospital of the future, modern medical organizations need to invest in the software and…

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How Femtech Brings Balance to Healthcare for Women

Consider the following: In a fact sheet released by the US Department of Labor, healthcare expenses for women between the ages of 19 – 44 were found to be 80 percent higher than men of similar age. Reproductive services were considered one of the main reasons for the difference. In the UK,…

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3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care

Last year in March, the 4,600+ hospice facilities in the US effectively closed their doors to all visitors except essential personnel as the country fought to contain the COVID-19 virus. Many of the 1.5 million+ residents suddenly found themselves cut off from loved ones and even non-essential…

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3 Approaches to Protecting Your Networks on Computer Security Day

November 30th, 1988, should be marked as a day of infamy for our modern, connected times. During that month, researchers at Cornell University discovered an unknown virus lurking in their computer systems. This so-called “Morris worm” would quickly spread to other connected university systems. If…

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Windows Tablets And Workplace Efficiency | 5 Ways Business Tablets Improve Productivity

The order of the international business milieu is rapidly evolving. With businesses no longer confined to their geographical boundaries and workers no longer tied to their desks and stringent routines, every business across the globe is integrating the next-gen change in its work milieu by changing…

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Best Medical Tablets for Healthcare

We are well into the digital revolution in Healthcare. Gone are the days of clipboards and storage rooms filled with folders of handwritten patient records. Medical Tablets are now the standard way medical data is captured and received at the point of care. These tablets eliminate the need to…

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How Medical Computers Improve Public Health Informatics

A year and a half ago, most people could be forgiven for not understanding the importance of data analysis in public health. But now, two summers into a global pandemic that we are just beginning to get a handle on, the role of data in public health has never been more at the forefront of public…

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Digital Literacy Skills Needed in Healthcare

When people decide to start a career in healthcare, they usually start looking into how they can acquire the necessary medical knowledge and certifications necessary to do their job. What they probably don’t think is, “Well, time to brush up on my computer skills.” This is unfortunate because by…

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