Making the Right Choice: Selecting a Reliable Medical Equipment Manufacturer

Bringing a medical device to market is a years-long process that costs tens of millions of dollars. To reduce time and expense, many medical device manufacturers outsource their essential parts and equipment, such as medical computers, to medical contract manufacturers, namely Original Equipment…

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The Right Fit: Display Size Factors for Medical and Industrial Computers

From the hospital to the factory floor, almost every industry imaginable has been improved by implementing digital technology. One of the most important (but often overlooked) considerations when implementing new computer tools or upgrading pre-existing structures is the physical dimensions of the…

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Ensuring Your Medical Device is Government-Ready in 2024: The Ultimate Guide

Bringing a new medical device to market is always a daunting proposition. Every aspect of the device must be considered, from its target audience to the need for medical-grade certification. On average, it costs $54 million to develop a new medical device and 3 to 7 years for the U.S. Food and Drug…

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Innovative Ergonomic Computer Features You Need in 2024

What do you think of when you hear the term, “ergonomics”? If you’re like most folks, you’ll talk about how to position your workstation computer, the height of your chair relative to your computer, and how to place your hands on the keyboard and mouse to avoid the dreaded carpal tunnel…

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How Generative AI Makes Drug Discovery Faster and Cheaper

Generative artificial intelligence has made waves in almost every industry imaginable, from industrial applications to banking to healthcare. Its ability to analyze data and create new insights lets it discover new options faster than a human mind can. This makes generative AI incredibly appealing…

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How Redundancies Improve the Reliability of Medical Computers

When we hear the word “redundancy,” we often associate it with inefficient or wasteful designs or treat it as a flaw to be avoided. However, redundancy is frequently a critical component of reliability, ensuring that if one element of a system fails, other components can take over that function.…

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Why Anti-Glare Screens Matter for Medical and Industrial Computers

We’ve all had the experience of trying to use our computer or smartphone, only to curse and crane our necks because of the glare obscuring most of the screen. Screen glare isn’t just an annoyance, however.  Dealing with harsh screen glare can lead to eye strain, headaches, and even neck and…

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Implementing New Technology in Healthcare: Challenges and Best Practices

Humanity has always relied on technology and our capacity for invention to secure better lives. We get cold in the winter, so we mastered fire. We can’t travel fast, so we tamed horses and later invented carriages, cars, and aircraft. The same applies to healthcare. We created bandages to stop…

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Powered and Non-Powered Medical Carts: The Ultimate Guide

Medical carts, or Workstations on Wheels (WoW), allow healthcare providers and other medical staff members to transport healthcare computers, peripheral devices, instruments, and medication to different locations in the hospital. This mobility streamlines many medical professionals’ workflow…

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Capacitive vs. Resistive Touch Screens: What’s Right For Your Business?

From cell phones to factory floors, touch screens have become a ubiquitous part of computers in our daily lives. But for how much time we spend swiping, tapping, and scrolling, how much do we actually know about these pieces of technology?  There are two major types of touch screens: capacitive and…

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