Capacitive vs. Resistive Touch Screens: What’s Right For Your Business?

From cell phones to factory floors, touch screens have become a ubiquitous part of computers in our daily lives. But for how much time we spend swiping, tapping, and scrolling, how much do we actually know about these pieces of technology?  There are two major types of touch screens: capacitive and…

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The Importance of Data Security in Healthcare: Protecting Patient Privacy

The healthcare sector has become increasingly data-driven as providers embrace analytics to find better solutions and improve people’s quality of life. However, this data can be a significant point of vulnerability and a tempting prize for cybercriminals to steal.  Data security, the process of…

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Understanding the Importance of Medical Computer End-of-Life Planning

It’s a simple but undeniable truth that no technology will last forever. Even something as well-manufactured as a medical-grade PC will inevitably degrade and fail. A significant part of being a responsible computer owner is knowing when to replace your old device. Just as important is knowing how…

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HIPAA-Compliant Technology: The Ultimate Guide

Few regulations are as critical in the world of healthcare as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA). Passed in 1996 and enforced by the Office of Civil Rights, HIPAA compliance remains critical for healthcare providers and insurance companies alike.  In today’s article, we…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing the Right Chiropractic Equipment

Chiropractors aim to relieve pain in their patients and increase their range of motion. Chiropractors accomplish this objective through adjustments or realigning the patient’s bones, especially their spine.  While chiropractors still perform adjustments by hand, many utilize tools in their…

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How Medical Computer Accessories Innovate and Enhance Patient Care

The day has come: the medical-grade computers you ordered for your hospital have finally arrived! Eager to get started, you start unpacking and installing your new computers and installing them… only to realize you don’t have any mice or keyboards.  While your choice of computer is critical to your…

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Healthcare SSO Solutions & Their Importance

Today’s medical professionals juggle multiple applications, each requiring a unique login and password. Single Sign-On (SSO) technology aims to solve this ever-growing problem, which affects everything from workflow efficiencies to cybersecurity. Today’s article covers SSO: how it works, its…

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Emergency Vehicle Tech: A Look at Cutting-Edge Computer Systems

First responders – police officers, emergency medical technicians, and firefighters – are essential to preserving people’s lives and properties during a crisis. The prompt arrival of an emergency vehicle with responders can sometimes mean life or death for the people in distress.  Computers play a…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Operating Systems for Healthcare Professionals

If you use computers, you’ve probably heard the term “operating system” at least a few times. You may even understand how critical an operating system, or OS, is for a computer to function in the first place. But what about the world of healthcare? As we’ve frequently explored, the healthcare…

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How to Improve Patient Outcomes: Best Practices for Healthcare Professionals

“How are you feeling?” Ever noticed how much you’re asked that question when you visit your provider for a check-up? You’ll definitely get asked even more if you’re hospitalized for any length of time. While you’re right in thinking the question is a query of your health, it and your responses are…

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