How to Find the Perfect Computer for Medical Coding and Billing

Medical coders and billers are unsung heroes in healthcare. They ensure providers’ diagnostic and procedural notes are translated into the correct codes for tracking patient health and receiving payments from insurance companies.  Today’s article briefly touches upon the occupations,…

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A Happy, Healthy Mind: The New Technologies Revolutionizing Behavioral Therapy

As stigma fades and awareness rises, behavioral healthcare has become increasingly prevalent in the conversation surrounding the healthcare sector. The World Health Organization estimates that roughly 29% of all people in the world will experience a mental health disorder at some point in their…

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Small but Mighty: How to Choose the Best Small Form Factor PC for Your Needs

The phrase “One Size Fits All” doesn’t fit today’s technology-driven world. Off-the-shelf desktop computers and laptops would be quickly crushed in the confined spaces of many factories. Industries like manufacturing and healthcare need the right-sized PCs for such places…

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How Redundancies Improve the Reliability of Medical Computers

When we hear the word “redundancy,” we often associate it with inefficient or wasteful designs or treat it as a flaw to be avoided. However, redundancy is frequently a critical component of reliability, ensuring that if one element of a system fails, other components can take over that function.…

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Why Anti-Glare Screens Matter for Medical and Industrial Computers

We’ve all had the experience of trying to use our computer or smartphone, only to curse and crane our necks because of the glare obscuring most of the screen. Screen glare isn’t just an annoyance, however.  Dealing with harsh screen glare can lead to eye strain, headaches, and even neck and…

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Implementing New Technology in Healthcare: Challenges and Best Practices

Humanity has always relied on technology and our capacity for invention to secure better lives. We get cold in the winter, so we mastered fire. We can’t travel fast, so we tamed horses and later invented carriages, cars, and aircraft. The same applies to healthcare. We created bandages to stop…

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Why Industrial and Medical Computers Need a Long Life Cycle

In the tech industry, a device’s life cycle refers to how long it will remain in production and supported by its manufacturer. Due to the pace of innovation in the industry, tech products like computers often have very short life cycles compared to products in the automotive or industrial sectors,…

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The Ultimate Guide to NVMe Storage: Everything You Need to Know

In the world of computers, consumers are always looking for the next evolution, the next leap in power that delivers faster and more reliable performance. Recently, that evolution has taken the form of Nonvolatile Memory Express, or NVMe.  NVMe is a new protocol for storing and transporting data to…

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Powered and Non-Powered Medical Carts: The Ultimate Guide

Medical carts, or Workstations on Wheels (WoW), allow healthcare providers and other medical staff members to transport healthcare computers, peripheral devices, instruments, and medication to different locations in the hospital. This mobility streamlines many medical professionals’ workflow…

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Why Rugged Tablets are Perfect for Industrial Worksites

For most workers, computers have become ubiquitous in their daily workflow. However, some workplaces are too inhospitable for the average consumer or off-the-shelf PC. Construction sites, factory floors, oil rigs, and other hazardous worksites simply are too much for a typical computer to handle.…

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