How Medical Patient-Side Computers Are Used By Doctors And Patients

Computer technology and healthcare are no longer separable, with the rapid adoption of interconnected, smart equipment in all areas of healthcare. A few years ago, patient side infotainment systems grasped the attention of hospitals. Since under the Affordable Care Act the hospitals’ budgets…

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The Dramatic Growth of Medical Automation

Medical automation market is experiencing a dramatic growth, according to market researchers. Grand View Research estimates the global market's growth to reach $79.4 billion by 2024. The Use of Smart Technology in Medical Automation Is Propelling the Market Control systems and ever-increasingly…

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How Hackers Can Infiltrate Networked Medical Devices

Until fairly recently the medical community was not aware of the fact that there are hackers out there who have the ability to infiltrate a hospital’s medical devices and exploit the data contained in them for profit or for other purposes. Even though these devices tend to be protected using a…

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Reducing Cybersecurity Threats with Biometric and Smart Card Readers

Health organizations have dedicated millions toward implementing security tools to thwart cybersecurity threats. Unfortunately, these efforts have been challenged, as firewalls, prevention systems, intrusion detection and email security have proven that executives and employees are among the…

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How Rugged Tablets Are Used In Healthcare

The introduction of rugged tablets into the marketplace has helped to improve the services provided by a variety of industries, but these devices have added significant value to the healthcare field. Tablets have eliminated the need for hand entered data, which can be life saving for some patients.…

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Patient Infotainment – The Benefits of Utilizing Bedside Computers

We as a thinking species have evolved in more complex ways than one. In terms of our understanding and accepted definitions of technology, for instance. In the new globalized lives we lead today, ‘medicine’ has evolved into ‘healthcare’ and the ‘doctors’, ‘nurses’ and ‘technicians’ are now…

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Mobile Medical Applications of the Industrial Computer: The Case of the Medical Emergency Vehicle

The demands of modern mobile healthcare are much more challenging than those of most other industries. This is where lives are at stake, and emergency situations arise at little to no notice. In recent years, sophisticated computing has worked hand-in-hand with infrastructural advancements to…

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Touchscreen Computers: Where Are They Headed?

Touchscreens are to present day computing what Google has been to the internet as we know it today. On the face of it, a touchscreen may be seen as a cosmetic overlay on a fully functional system, but fact is – no tablet or smartphone is accepted as modern without a touchscreen as its user…

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Why OEM Medical Device Manufacturers Are Utilizing Rugged Tablets to Improve Medical Grade Technology

Healthcare is a demanding field and relies heavily upon utilizing the best, most up-to-date equipment to help doctors and nurses provide the highest quality medical services.   As advances in how procedures are performed continue to push boundaries not thought possible even a decade ago, one thing…

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Medical Grade Computers: Improving Patient Outcomes in the OR

A successful operation requires the seamless coordination of highly skilled individuals. If a surgical team is not able to work in unison, they won’t be able to provide the necessary amount of care to properly take their patients through the different stages of an operation. Many things can go…

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