How to Prepare for a Digital Disaster

The phrase “disaster preparedness” typically conjures up the image of escape plans, first aid kits, bug-out bags, and hoarding bathroom supplies. There is even an entire subculture and industry built around preparing to survive all manner of cataclysms, from natural disasters to fantastical…

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Advantages of Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing

Data analytics is the practice of examining raw data to find insight and even answers to a company’s select questions. For businesses like manufacturing, it’s used to figure out key information such as why plants are breaking down or identifying trends like customer purchases during hurricane…

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Can Artificial Intelligence Solve Our Future Starvation Problem?

The agriculture sector is a major occupation in many countries, and its importance is greater than ever. According to UN projections, the world’s current population of 7.5 billion is expected to increase to 9.7 billion by 2050. Today’s farms will be hard pressed to feed the additional two billion…

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4 Routes to Help Automakers’ Sustainability Efforts

Sustainability and other “green practices” are part of many industries’ strategic goals around the globe. Car manufacturing, especially, has it high on their objective list since transportation is the number one source of greenhouse gas emissions. Being an environmentally-conscious company…

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The Computer Advancements that Transform Every Pillar of the Textile Industry

Textile manufacturing is one of humanity’s oldest industries, and yet it’s also frequently on the forefront of computer-aided design and manufacturing in modern times.  Cutting-edge industrial and enterprise computers can be found on every level of the textile business, from the designer’s desktop…

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Tips in Choosing the Right Fleet Management Computer

Fleet management is the process of organizing, tracking, and maintaining a vehicle fleet. Fleets  usually consist of commercial cars, trucks, buses, and cargo vans.  Fleet management is done through a fleet management system (FMS). This combo of hardware and software collects data from an on-board…

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What is Right to Repair and How Does it Affect Medical Devices?

Right to Repair (RtR, R2R) is a movement by consumers and repair shops to have Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) make available normally proprietary information of their products, as well as provide any necessary tools and spare parts. That way, product owners or such shops can make repairs or…

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Best Practices for Manufacturers When Going Green

You already know that going green involves redesigning a single product or process at your facility to make it more environmentally-friendly. And that being sustainable is looking at a product’s entire life-cycle as a whole, like sourcing goods composed of recyclable materials, processed locally in…

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How RFID and Barcode Scanners are Reducing Production Errors

Wouldn’t it be great if no one made errors? Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. Errors in production from not enough raw material to miscounting shipping containers can impact a business’s bottom line. It’s estimated, for example, a wrongly shipped order can cost companies…

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Windows Tablets And Workplace Efficiency | 5 Ways Business Tablets Improve Productivity

The order of the international business milieu is rapidly evolving. With businesses no longer confined to their geographical boundaries and workers no longer tied to their desks and stringent routines, every business across the globe is integrating the next-gen change in its work milieu by changing…

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