More With Less: Cut Back On Cost Using Technology

Organizations see the wisdom in deploying technology that allows them to do more with less. Forging an IT strategy that helps you cut back on cost using technology does not have to be a time-consuming endeavor. In many cases, awareness about the available and emerging technologies helps businesses…

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10 Ways Hospitals Can Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency presents both a challenge and an opportunity for healthcare facilities. The main challenge is the unique circumstances healthcare facilities face. Regulatory requirements, infection control, the intensity of energy and water use, 24/7 uninterrupted operation set healthcare…

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The Importance Of Real-Time Communication Technology In The Event Of A Disaster

Healthcare facilities are complex ecosystems with hundreds of clinical and administrative processes. Hospitals also play a central role in disaster response, and technology revolutionizes how first responders organize, automate and streamline the workflow. Natural and manmade disasters of the past…

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Best Hospital Settings for a Medical Computer

The importance of using medical computers stems back to when former Secretary of Health and Human Services, Mike Leavitt, noted the importance of effective information technology in hospitals. Levitt, who served in the Bush administration, said it is “necessary to improve healthcare quality”.…

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