Why Industrial and Medical Computers Need a Long Life Cycle

In the tech industry, a device’s life cycle refers to how long it will remain in production and supported by its manufacturer. Due to the pace of innovation in the industry, tech products like computers often have very short life cycles compared to products in the automotive or industrial sectors,…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Assembly Line Equipment

Did you know the final assembly of an aircraft is primarily done by hand?  The Final Assembly Line (FAL) is the stage in aerospace manufacturing where the wings, tail, and other major plane parts are attached to the fuselage. Passenger seating, storage compartments, and electronics like industrial…

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Why Rugged Tablets are Perfect for Industrial Worksites

For most workers, computers have become ubiquitous in their daily workflow. However, some workplaces are too inhospitable for the average consumer or off-the-shelf PC. Construction sites, factory floors, oil rigs, and other hazardous worksites simply are too much for a typical computer to handle.…

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Capacitive vs. Resistive Touch Screens: What’s Right For Your Business?

From cell phones to factory floors, touch screens have become a ubiquitous part of computers in our daily lives. But for how much time we spend swiping, tapping, and scrolling, how much do we actually know about these pieces of technology?  There are two major types of touch screens: capacitive and…

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Barcode Scanners: Everything You Need to Know for Efficient Inventory Management

Businesses constantly seek to increase their productivity, accuracy, and customer satisfaction. And it’s just not businesses: non-profits like healthcare organizations are also on the lookout to deliver the best patient care.  Barcode technology is helping both sectors accomplish their goals,…

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How Industrial Computers Can Thrive In A Harsh Environment

The average industrial computer faces stresses that consumer-grade PCs never have to consider. Extremes in temperature, shock, vibration, and debris getting inside the computer threaten to damage or even destroy the device.  Fortunately, industrial computers and tablets are designed with these…

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Farm to Table: How Industrial Computers are Improving our Food Supply Chain

When you’re out shopping for groceries, you probably don’t consider how that bushel of apples or package of raw chicken reached the store shelf. But the process of getting food from the farm to your fork is one of the most important supply chains in the world. After all, how long would you last…

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The Top Considerations for Choosing Industrial Computers for 24/7 Operation

Most computers operate on a work schedule similar to humans. They have periods of activity interspersed with downtime, like how most workers alternate between work shifts and rest. However, some computers don’t have that luxury. Some computers must operate 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For…

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The Future of Smart Buildings: Revolutionizing the Way We Live

You’ve just secured a new job after months of searching, and you arrive at the new office. The security bar at the parking lot lifts after scanning your car’s license, letting you in. You don’t stop at the front desk to check in or secure an ID card. Instead, you’re tracked via an app on your…

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How Computer Manufacturers Prevent Their Devices From Failing

The worst has happened: you’re at your workstation, typing away at a document or chart on your computer. Then, without warning, your screen goes black or displays a confusing and fragmented set of images before completely shutting down. You press some keys and mash the power button, but nothing…

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