How the Mining Industry Has Embraced the Drone Revolution

There are few industries older than mining — agriculture and pottery have slim leads. However, the age of an industry has no bearing on how well it can embrace modern technology. Mine sites across the world have leaned into the future of digital mapping and imaging. They’ve combined the use of…

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The 8 Best Uses for Industrial Tablets in Construction

Either your company already has industrial tablets for construction work and wants to know how to deploy them to maximum effect, or you don’t have them and are considering an upgrade. No matter what stage you’re in, know that the right application of a handheld, rugged tablet can cut through a…

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4 Surprising Uses for Industrial RFID Technology

Have you read the glowing praises of industrial RFID and barcode technology, and wondered just exactly what the hype was for? What the applications could possibly be that would lead to such adoration? Like any tech, the promises tend to outweigh the practical uses — that’s just the downside of…

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Can Smart Farming Solve the Food Crisis?

According to the “World Population Prospects” report published by the United Nations, Earth may play host to 9.7 billion people by 2050. With hunger already a problem in both developed and undeveloped nations (though at differing levels), how can food production match food needs over the next 30+…

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How to Streamline Asset Tracking with Industrial Grade Tablets

Whether you’ve never fully embraced asset tracking, are looking for a new method, or just want to save on paper, it’s time to look into a digital asset tracking system for the most important equipment in your facility. Asset tracking is different from inventory tracking, though they are commonly…

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4 Ways Specialized Industrial Computers Increase Safety Levels

Safety incidents in factories, manufacturing, and construction have been dropping since the ‘70s, which is fantastic news. However, manufacturing and especially construction still have mortality and injury rates three times higher than the average of all industries put together. This is hardly a…

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4 Ways to Maximize Your ROI Investment with Industrial Computers

The words ERP implementation might conjure nightmares for some operations managers out there. The fact is, ERP implementations are expensive and time-consuming, and in a lot of cases, they fail to produce a positive ROI. There are a lot of reasons why an ERP implementation might fail ranging from…

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The Right Computer Can Reduce the Impact of a Food Recall

Product recalls are part and parcel of business, but they are of particular importance when it comes to food. Tainted food presents an active health risk in ways that other products don’t, and because most food is both perishable and vulnerable to toxins, a recall needs to be enacted swiftly and…

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Use of Industrial Computers in the Aerospace Sector

Few industries are more exciting or hold more potential for the future than aerospace: a merging of science, business and engineering to literally reach the skies. When most people think of the term, they think of planes, satellites and space shuttles, but the aerospace industry is actually quite…

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Industrial Computers Are Revolutionizing Smart Factories

A revolution is underway in the industrial sector. Smart factories – automated facilities aimed at eliminating human error – are replacing their more traditional counterparts and expanding rapidly in the process. A recent article in Forbes estimates that they will add $500 billion or more to the…

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