3 Approaches to Protecting Your Networks on Computer Security Day

November 30th, 1988, should be marked as a day of infamy for our modern, connected times. During that month, researchers at Cornell University discovered an unknown virus lurking in their computer systems. This so-called “Morris worm” would quickly spread to other connected university systems. If…

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How RFID and Barcode Scanners are Reducing Production Errors

Wouldn’t it be great if no one made errors? Unfortunately, that’s not the world we live in. Errors in production from not enough raw material to miscounting shipping containers can impact a business’s bottom line. It’s estimated, for example, a wrongly shipped order can cost companies…

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How Power Over Ethernet and RFID Will Declutter Your Workplace

In our busy modern world, it can feel like our lives are full of clutter, and not just the physical kind. We’re constantly surrounded by technology that is supposed to make our lives easier and more efficient, but it often feels like that same technology is the cause of the clutter in many cases.…

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How the Right Computer Can Help Disaster Recovery

When people think of disaster recovery, they usually think of things like cleaning up rubble and rebuilding cities after massive natural disasters like fires, earthquakes, and hurricanes. But beyond the damage to physical infrastructure, businesses can sustain another kind of damage that can be…

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How Rugged Industrial Tablets Streamline Logistics

Though it often gets overlooked in our day-to-day lives, logistics – or the systems that move goods and materials from place to place – is essentially the economy’s operating system. After all, the logistics industry is responsible for ensuring the goods we consume every day are in the…

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How Industry 4.0 Can Make HVAC Factory Friendly

Many people see being an HVAC (short for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician the same way they see being a plumber – a blue-collar trade for people looking for a career path that doesn’t require a college degree. In reality, just like plumbing, HVAC is a complex and…

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Industry 4.0 & the Next Generation of Manufacturing Workers

Millennials, am I right? These kids with their safe spaces and avocado toast, when will they learn that the world… Just kidding! Had you going there for a second. In actuality, the oldest millennials are turning 40, and the rest are in their thirties or late 20s by now. Many of the youngest…

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Industrial Computers and the Future of Sustainability

While the upheaval caused by COVID-19 has understandably dominated global attention for the past year and a half, it has distracted from another long-simmering crisis: climate change. The pandemic will subside, but our impact on the environment will remain. It’s easy to pay lip service to…

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iPad vs Rugged Tablet – Which Device Wins on the Manufacturing Floor?

It may not seem like a fair comparison to pit a common iPad against a Rugged Industrial Tablet, but with the prevalence of handheld devices in the manufacturing industry, it’s important to know what your tech can do.  The major differences lie in the physical durability of each device, the…

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How Digitization Can Help Small Manufacturers

If you’ve read any manufacturing blogs or publications lately, you will have seen a lot of the same buzzwords pop up again and again. Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Factory, etc. It’s a lot to take in and all very confusing for small manufacturers who…

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