The Use of Industrial Computers in the Automotive Industry

The automotive industry invented automation: it’s no surprise that they’ve embraced industrial computers faster than any other field of manufacturing.  Because automotive manufacturing requires flexible solutions that can pivot with the adoption of new technology (both in the cars themselves and in…

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Policies That Could Change the Manufacturing Industry Overnight

There’s no denying that automation is the future of manufacturing: it would be impossible, considering its pretty much the present of manufacturing as well. And while news that “all robots will replace our jobs” in the next few years is generally overblown, it’s assured that there are profound…

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Is Industrial Cybersecurity Even Possible?

Industrial control systems have made life easier for automation and manufacturing, and are a vital component in both the present and future of the industry. Unfortunately, with every new technology or process comes complications, unique problems that were unforeseen or impossible-to-imagine in the…

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When Is it Time to Upgrade Industrial Legacy Machines?

The greatest problem with cutting-edge technology is that it only stays cutting edge for a short period of time.  Since any factory, mine, construction, or industrial site is usually filled to the rafters with computers and machines, a question of upgrade becomes a huge financial concern. This…

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How Technology Can Improve Factory Working Conditions Without Sacrificing Productivity

Factories, warehouses, and construction sites are some of the most dangerous work environments in the world. The World Health Organization (WHO) and International Labour Organization (ILO), in a 2016 report on work-related disease and injuries, estimates nearly two million have succumbed to…

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Why Your Factory Needs Wireless Industrial Automation

Manufacturing plants can be a twisted snarl of machines, conveyor belts, robots, and cables. These busy floors become hard to navigate and nearly impossible to troubleshoot: if the line goes down, it becomes a titanic effort to trace every cable and point of connection. This impedes repair, which…

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How Do Industrial Computers Survive Extreme Heat, Cold, and Humidity?

Computers have penetrated every commercial, leisure, and industrial endeavor: they’re as ubiquitous as oxygen and just as necessary. However, not every venture takes place in a perfectly climate-controlled environment of ideal humidity and temperature. In fact, most manufacturing and industrial…

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Industrial Tech Showdown: AR Glasses vs. Industrial Tablets

There’s no denying that augmented reality and virtual reality are taking massive leaps forward, and could integrate into our societies and workflows in exciting ways. But, when it comes to industrial uses, can a pair of AR glasses like HoloLens or Google Glass become a game changer? Could they…

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Stopping Food Waste at the Industrial Scale

With a soaring population and only a limited amount of space to expand for the growth of food production, providing enough food for the entire population may hinge on our ability to eliminate food waste. Even worse, food waste also causes a chain-reaction of waste, from the fuels used to transport…

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4 Common Reasons for Industrial Computer Failure and How to Combat Them

Technology seems to be more of a slave to Murphy’s Law than any other human endeavor; if it can fail, it will. One moment you’re knee-deep in a spreadsheet working on data, and the next you’re staring at a crashed screen, cursing your bad luck, and pondering how much one-way…

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