Smart Factories and Their Use of Industrial Computers

With the advent of Industry 4.0, traditional factories are becoming obsolete. Though factories are no stranger to automation, advancements in industrial computers, artificial intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), cloud computing, and other highly advanced digital technologies have completely…

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6 Manufacturing Trends Sure to Pick Up (More) Steam in 2021

It took some doing and a whole lot of adapting, but we’ve finally managed to make it to the other end of 2020. Though many manufacturers can’t say they aren’t worse for wear for the experience, they were able to draw quite a few insights as a result of having their status quo challenged and…

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Looking for Trustworthy Industrial Equipment Manufacturers? Ask These Questions

Integrating new machinery in the factory floor can be an exciting endeavor. With each new addition of industry 4.0 hardware such as an industrial grade computer or IoT software comes promises of optimization, increased efficiency, and even more increased profits.  However, it goes without saying…

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10 Ways to Reduce Manufacturing Overhead Costs

Manufacturers have been receiving mixed signals as of late. On the one hand, manufacturing has seen a slow rise in activity but, available talent and labor has been dwindling. On one end of the spectrum, peak season and holidays promise increased production but, on the other end, we’re already…

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Why is On Demand Manufacturing Suddenly Being Talked About?

Earlier in 2020, when the COVID pandemic was still in its infancy, manufacturing experienced one of its most prolific and high-profile stories ever. In response to lightning quick reduction in supplies such as PPE and ventilators, several manufacturers answered the call by leveraging their plants…

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How Can the Order to Cash Process be Improved with Industrial Computers?

Regardless of whether we’re discussing a B2B-based manufacturer or one that sells directly to consumers, the order to cash process is an essential one and one whose optimization should be prioritized. Thankfully, as complicated as the process is, because it’s so complicated and involves so many…

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4 Pieces of Food Waste Tech Transforming Food and Beverage Manufacturing

Production and manufacturing has been in the midst of a slow and meticulous metamorphosis the past few years. As innovations continue to push more supply chain visibility, automation, and efficiency, fat continues to be trimmed and factory floors continue to be further and further optimized.…

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Collaborative Robots in Manufacturing and How to Dip Your Toe into Automation

For all the huffing and puffing about how important industrial automation is, it can be rather hard for smaller plants to break into when you consider all of the moving parts needed- IoT devices, tailored industrial PCs, required software, not to mention more advanced, sophisticated solutions like…

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Understanding Supply Chain Resilience: 3 Questions to Ask

Supply chains have experienced a shocking amount of change in the past few months. With several of them incorporating new infrastructures and hardware like industrial grade computers to address concerns ranging from manufacturing employee safety to supply chain preparedness and everything…

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How is the Automotive Industry Planning to Safely and Efficiently Resume Production?

UPDATE 11/05/2021: It has been eighteen months since we covered the automakers’ resumption of production in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic as we previously wrote about on June 2nd, 2020. The emergence and availability of the COVID-19 vaccine in December 2020 is the most notable change.  The…

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