How Frozen Food is Made and New Innovations In this Rising Industry

Frozen foods had a profound impact on modern eating habits. People no longer had to devote large amounts of time to prepare their meals. Depending on the dish, it could just take minutes in the microwave or similar warming device.  Frozen food, whether its preserved berries or complete meals, is a…

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The Simple Difference between Rugged and Industrial Computers

You have been tasked to find new computers for the company’s manufacturing plants as part of a predictive analytics project. Off-the-shelf brands are off the table – the plants are working away 24/7 with many located in hostile climes like the middle of a desert.  So you turn to commercial…

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Understanding Dust’s Effects on PCs (and How to Prevent It)

From smartphones, PCs, to massive server complexes, computers play a critical role in today’s world. Yet they are all vulnerable to the near-invisible dust found all around us. It can slow the functionality of computers to a crawl which costs time and money. It can even jeopardize lives in critical…

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Best Practices for Batteries in Medical Computers & Tablets

Batteries power today’s electronics like laptops, the ever-present smartphone, to even the medical computers vital to many hospital computer systems.  Without them, the device is basically an expensive piece of junk.  Yet how does a battery work? And why are most using lithium as their key…

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Aquaculture: Solution to World’s Future Food Demands

How do you feed nearly 10 billion people by 2050? That’s the question on people’s minds as the current global population of 8 billion continues to grow. Many nations are looking to the world’s oceans for answers. We’ll be covering their efforts in aquaculture from what it is, the various forms, to…

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Defining Computer Reliability

Imagine you launch the messaging app on your phone and it turns on the camera instead. Or your laptop only powers up 30 percent of the time. Neither of these scenarios would be a pleasant experience. Most of us would probably ditch the offending device into the nearest trash bin. We expect our…

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How to Prepare for a Digital Disaster

The phrase “disaster preparedness” typically conjures up the image of escape plans, first aid kits, bug-out bags, and hoarding bathroom supplies. There is even an entire subculture and industry built around preparing to survive all manner of cataclysms, from natural disasters to fantastical…

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How to Choose the Best Rugged Tablet for Construction

Your construction company wants tablets for its crews out in the field. The reasons you get vary from increased worker safety to the upcoming construction boom.   You have been tasked to select those tablets. Where do you start? What do you look for? Right now, all you know is the regular,…

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Advantages of Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing

Data analytics is the practice of examining raw data to find insight and even answers to a company’s select questions. For businesses like manufacturing, it’s used to figure out key information such as why plants are breaking down or identifying trends like customer purchases during hurricane…

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SSD or HDD: Which Should I Choose?

Nowadays, it almost seems like consumers have unlimited digital storage space available to them. In 1983, a box of 10 5.25″ floppy disks with 360Kb of space cost $45. Today, a two-terabyte USB drive costs less than $20. Because space is no longer at a premium, the critical question customers…

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