5 Medical Software to Shape Healthcare’s Future

At first glance, modern healthcare looks like a chaotic mess. Think about all those hospitals and medical centers, providers, medical staff, pharmaceutical and research companies, and even patients themselves, vying to fulfill their part in treating the ill and sick. What are the stats of the…

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The Role of Medical Carts in Today’s Modern Healthcare System

Ever noticed how doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel have just the right meds or piece of equipment for patients at a moment’s notice? They don’t simply disappear for even a minute to get, for example, an aspirin for a patient complaining of a headache. Instead they bring the pain reliever…

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Three Major Dentistry Challenges and Possible Tech Solutions

Over five thousand years have passed since the first recorded dentist looked into the mouth of a patient. His modern counterparts deal with even greater challenges from increased competition to government regulation.  Thankfully, new tools and systems are available. Read on to learn about this…

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4 Things to Consider When Selecting a Computer for EHR

Electronic health records (EHR), also known as electronic medical records (EMR), have had a major impact on the healthcare system. You and your healthcare IT department (HIT) know how it allows your providers to create, update, and share patients’ health records quickly. This helps immensely…

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Replace 6 Hospital Equipment with One Medical Computer or Tablet

Remember the days people used to walk with stereos and their arms fatigued from holding those bulky video cameras?  Now all those devices and functions fit in your pocket via your smartphone. A similar replacement, which we’re covering today, is happening in the healthcare industry thanks to…

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HIPAA Guidelines & What is HIPAA Compliance [Compliance Checklist]

You know what is an easy way to save 1.5 Million dollars? Follow HIPAA’s regulations. This is the amount that companies on average are paying for each HIPAA violation. That is not including possible job loss or jail time.  So how does one avoid such eye-popping fines and penalties? What…

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5 Uses for Medical Computers in Hospitals

In the mid-Fifties, computer use in hospitals was mainly in the automation of financial and accounting tasks. As the technology grew and regulations such as HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act) and Medicare/Medicaid information systems changed, computers became more and more…

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Medical Coders vs AI – Who Will Be Employed In the Future?

Medical coding is the review of medical documentation for billing and database purposes. Coders, as professionals in the field are called, do so by assigning standard codes to items like the names of diseases, medical conditions, and even instruments used.  Today, many coders are concerned if their…

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How EMR, mHealth, and Smart Homes Comfort Hospice Residents

In 3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care, we discussed how telemedicine, predictive analytics, and virtual reality (VR) benefited patients in hospice. This time, we’re covering three additional technologies: electronic medical records (EMR), mHealth (example: wearables), and smart homes.…

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3 Unconventional Telehealth Solutions to Meet Rural Healthcare Needs

Telehealth played a critical role helping people deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows patients to safely contact their providers to deal with their non-urgent but still important conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and pregnancy.  The technology proved to have limits, though. Many…

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