4 Strategies for Making the Most Out of Your Medical Cart Computers

Medical cart computers have been around for a while, but their saturation in hospitals has never been higher than it is now. Sometimes called COWs (computers on wheels), cart computers have increased connectivity, patient confidentiality, and accountability across the board. And while inputting…

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Fighting the Surprising New Flaws in Medical Cyber Security

Unfortunately for HIT professionals everywhere, cybersecurity is never a done deal. It’s not like building a skyscraper or carving a statue — they never get to step away, dust off their hands, and say “here it is!” Not only are hackers and other malefactors always innovating new methods for…

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Is 5G Safe for Hospitals?

The battle for 5G has already begun, which could put a huge dent in healthcare innovation. All of the newest proposed healthcare revolutions require a bump in internet speed and bandwidth. Telehealth streaming, mobile clinics, remote surgery, augmented reality, and Internet-of-Things devices all…

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4 Steps for Fighting Ransomware in Healthcare

Malware is bad news for any venture, but healthcare seems particularly vulnerable. Due to air-tight HIPAA regulations, a data breach or data loss by a healthcare facility costs more than just the ransom or the price of restoration. The fines for HIPAA breaches, just on their own, have been…

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Battling the Unique Challenges Faced by Rural Hospitals

Sadly, not all hospitals are equal, and not all regions come with the same problems and solutions. Rural patients and rural hospitals have always had challenges, but the data says that lately, they’ve been suffering more than ever before. How can we help rural areas improve the quality,…

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Surviving the Transition to Digital Dentistry

Transitioning from a standard dental office to a fully digital practice causes many dentists to balk. The initial cost is high, the learning curve can feel extreme, and the constantly-mutating nature of technological progress can make some clinicians wonder if what’s here today is going to be…

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Is Blockchain Right for Healthcare?

You may have heard that blockchain is “the next big thing.” And while “next big things” seem to rain from the sky in the tech world, there may be some truth in this particular case. Blockchain came on the scene in 2008, the brainchild of a still-anonymous person or team of people called “Satoshi…

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How Technology Prevents HIPAA Violations

HIPAA violations are growing in number and cost, and have affected medical facilities of all sizes. While training and vigilance on the part of administrators and staff is a vital component to HIPAA compliance, the right technology can turn an open book into a bank vault. From secure medical grade…

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Breaking Down the ROI of Medical Computers

It can be difficult for an IT department in any industry to convince a CFO to write a bigger check for computer hardware. The fact remains that healthcare computers are going to be more expensive than a commercial grade computer. But it is also important to understand that IT hardware is, at a…

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Medical-Grade vs Regular Monitors: Differences Explained

Computer monitors have become an integral part of our lives, not only at home and work, but in every facet of society today. You see them at the grocery store checkout line when the clerks scan your food, at the gas station pumps when you fill your tank, and even at parking kiosks to scan your…

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