Robotic-Assisted Surgery: Five Misconceptions and the Facts Behind Them

You’re at your doctor’s waiting room. No one likes to hear that they are going to need surgery, let alone that it might be a robotic-assisted procedure, which is highly possible with today’s fast paced advancements in medical technology.  What, exactly, is robotic-assisted surgery?, you ask…

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What is Right to Repair and How Does it Affect Medical Devices?

Right to Repair (RtR, R2R) is a movement by consumers and repair shops to have Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) make available normally proprietary information of their products, as well as provide any necessary tools and spare parts. That way, product owners or such shops can make repairs or…

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4 Reasons to Use Medical Grade Monitors in Diagnostic Imaging

In 1895, physicist Wilhelm Röntgen revolutionized the field of medicine when he inadvertently created the world’s first radiographic image by passing his hand in front of a cathode ray tube. Today, more than a century later, digital technology allows doctors to capture diagnostic images with a…

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3 Approaches to Protecting Your Networks on Computer Security Day

November 30th, 1988, should be marked as a day of infamy for our modern, connected times. During that month, researchers at Cornell University discovered an unknown virus lurking in their computer systems. This so-called “Morris worm” would quickly spread to other connected university systems. If…

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Best Medical Tablets for Healthcare

We are well into the digital revolution in Healthcare. Gone are the days of clipboards and storage rooms filled with folders of handwritten patient records. Medical Tablets are now the standard way medical data is captured and received at the point of care. These tablets eliminate the need to…

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Securing Healthcare Information in a Digital World

While the rapid advancements in telehealth and digital healthcare that have been spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic promise to deliver more care to more people more affordably, they have also opened up new avenues for bad actors to access sensitive information like patient data. It’s no secret…

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Why Specialty Healthcare Will Go Remote

While the rest of the world fights to end the pandemic and return to normal, the pre-pandemic normal will never return for the healthcare industry. While several of the emergency protocols demanded by social distancing measures and surging infection rates will disappear, many of the technical…

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What is Clinical Documentation Improvement and How is it Achieved?

We’ve discussed burnout several times on this blog and for good reason. It’s a pervasive issue that strikes both nurses and physicians. As such, issues that contribute to this burnout, especially during this incredibly trying moment in medical history, deserve to be brought into the spotlight and…

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Healthcare Recession: How Can Providers Help Their Patients and Themselves?

When we think of a recession, we often tend to exempt healthcare facilities from the conversation. Afterall, people are constantly in need of healing and care. Because of this, many tend to think of a “healthcare recession” as nothing more than fiction and believe the industry as a whole is…

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What is Continuum of Care and How Do You Get Started?

If there’s one thing we’ve learned in times such as these where our healthcare systems are overwhelmed, it’s that consistent, carefully monitored care is essential for treating many of the ailments, both physical and mental, that affect those who seek healing. And as hospitals have continued to…

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