Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Remember when you had to call your provider’s office to schedule an appointment to get a flu shot? Now, you can schedule one on the website of your local pharmacy. Want the best plastic surgeon, but she’s based halfway around the world? It’s not a problem as she remotely operates the robot…

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Fanless Cooling and Its Benefits Explained

Passive cooling is a robust solution for maintaining optimal operating temperatures in computing devices. In today’s tech-driven world, passive cooling plays a critical role in various industries, from medical facilities demanding constant cleanliness to industrial environments facing dust…

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Certified Computers: The Superior Choice for Medical Devices

Medical devices face some of the most stringent regulations of any product on the market. They have to. When a patient’s life is on the line, nothing short of the best equipment is acceptable. Even minor equipment like a provider’s stethoscope has to meet strict certification standards for safety.…

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IEC 60601 And Why It’s So Critical For Medical Technology

Medical electrical equipment faces incredibly stringent standards for safety and reliability. To ensure that electronic medical equipment and systems are held to appropriate levels, the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) enforces the 60601 technical standard.  IEC 60601 is far from the…

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USB-C: The Unsurpassed Connector For Modern Medical Computers

Looking at the back or sides of your hospital’s medical computers can reveal a dizzying array of ports and plugs, all of them meant to interface with other devices and help you better treat your patients. In recent years, you may have noticed a new addition to this gathering of ports: a small,…

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AI-Powered Medical Devices are Made Possible by Cybernet Manufacturing

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has been one of the most revolutionary changes for the sector in decades. Already, AI is used in everything from training healthcare workers to managing EHRs on a medical tablet to assisting surgeons in the operating theater. AI’s…

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What Is a WOW Cart & Key Features to Look For

In every industry today, the integration of computers with Internet access has become indispensable. From accessing a patient’s medical records to managing an assembly line or conducting a lesson plan for students, workers around the world see better results when they have a keyboard and computing…

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Digital Dentistry: What It Is and Where It’s Going

Over five thousand years have passed since the first recorded dentist looked into the mouth of a patient. Today’s dental pioneers, armed with cutting-edge technology, face even greater challenges in their quest to provide superior patient care, comfort, and treatment efficiency. In an…

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Medical-Grade vs Regular Monitors: Differences Explained

Computers play a vital role in healthcare regardless of the specialty, and the importance of high-quality medical-grade monitors is just as critical. For this reason, specific requirements, features, and certifications are given for medical-grade monitors that are vastly different from typical…

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Medical Grade in Technology Explained

Is your hospital planning a major deployment of cutting-edge medical computers? At the forefront of your specifications is the requirement that they must be “medical grade.”  But what exactly does “medical grade” mean? Surprisingly, you won’t stumble upon this term at…

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