Medical Coders vs AI – Who Will Be Employed In the Future?

Medical coding is the review of medical documentation for billing and database purposes. Coders, as professionals in the field are called, do so by assigning standard codes to items like the names of diseases, medical conditions, and even instruments used.  Today, many coders are concerned if their…

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EMTs Working Blind – Importance of Electronic Health Records

You’re driving to work when the traffic jam ahead forces you into the next lane. There’s been an accident and it’s a bad one. As you pass the tangled mess of glass and metal, you give silent thanks at the familiar sounds of ambulance sirens coming up from behind you.   Emergency medics are usually…

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How EMR, mHealth, and Smart Homes Comfort Hospice Residents

In 3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care, we discussed how telemedicine, predictive analytics, and virtual reality (VR) benefited patients in hospice. This time, we’re covering three additional technologies: electronic medical records (EMR), mHealth (example: wearables), and smart homes.…

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3 Unconventional Telehealth Solutions to Meet Rural Healthcare Needs

Telehealth played a critical role helping people deal with the COVID-19 pandemic. It allows patients to safely contact their providers to deal with their non-urgent but still important conditions like diabetes, high blood pressure, and pregnancy.  The technology proved to have limits, though. Many…

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4 Key Uses of Artificial Intelligence in Chronic Care Management

Chronic diseases such as asthma, arthritis, diabetes, and heart disease affect about half of all adults in the US. Worldwide, they account for more than 90 percent of the morbidity and mortality rates among First-World nations. Here are even more sobering figures to think about: Chronic diseases…

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How Future CAD Systems Can Prevent Clinician Burnout

Clinicians are burning out. They are feeling overwhelmed, as they are tasked with more work while at the same time expected to see more patients every day. In a recent survey by the AMA, 54 percent of urologists felt burned out, followed by specialists in neurology (50 percent); nephrology (49…

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How Telemedicine Improves Maritime Healthcare

Most people in developed nations take medical care for granted. The COVID-19 pandemic, and the following lockdowns to contain it, brought to light the many gaps in healthcare systems to public attention.  One such gap was health services for seafarers like merchant ship crews. Roughly 90 percent of…

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What is the Future of Medical Transcription?

Medical workers are highly-skilled, educated professionals in the highest demand they’ve ever been, and the hospital of the future is the one that respects and preserves their precious time. To create the hospital of the future, modern medical organizations need to invest in the software and…

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How Technology is Affecting and Improving Medical Transcription

Healthcare is always looking for ways to increase productivity. One example is using fewer steps to bring a patient out of a coma. Another would be making sure medical staff on the swing shift are not left scrambling for working equipment by verifying all battery-powered medical computers and other…

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How Fax Machines Hinder EMR (And How to Solve It)

Want to see if time-travel is real? Simply walk into any doctor’s office or a hospital and ask to use their fax machine.  This everyday device, whose heyday was back in the late 1980s, is still lumbering along in a world of telemedicine, medical computers, and artificial intelligence. Nearly 90…

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