Who Enforces HIPAA: What You Need to Know to Be in Compliance

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, or HIPAA, massively impacted the U.S. healthcare sector since it went into law back in 1996. Anything and everything involving patient information, from electronic medical records to the medical computers housing them, fall under its…

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EMR Savings: How and Where Electronic Records Save on the Bottom Line

You and your healthcare IT (HIT) team have set up the medical computers and other equipment throughout the healthcare group. This is in part in preparation for the new electronic medical records (EMR) system that’s to go live in the coming months. As you sit exhausted in your office, you get a…

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How the Latest HIPAA Updates Affect Healthcare Providers and Patients

Medical computers of healthcare groups are filling up with news and discussions of possible new HIPAA rulings going into effect this year. We checked and verified it’s not only true, but the details on what those rules are have been released as well. We cover them today, as well as provide…

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AI Healthcare and Surgery: A Match Made in Heaven?

The healthcare sector is always striving to minimize risks for staff and patients. Healthcare computers are used throughout most clinics and hospitals since they’ve been built from ground up not to interfere with the numerous medical devices. Staff receive special training to handle urgent…

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How to Choose the Right EMR System for Your Practice

You’ve been tasked by your healthcare group to submit recommendations for its electronic medical records (EMR) platform. You know the right (or wrong) EMR systems will have an impact for years to come, affecting medical staff productivity and the choice of healthcare computer to display patient…

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Three Ways Misdiagnosis Can Be Reduced by Technology

People make mistakes. It’s human nature, right? But a waiter entering the wrong customer’s order will just get it sent back. A provider, though, entering the wrong diagnosis of a patient’s condition into a medical computer can potentially have more severe, even fatal, results. So to reduce those…

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Three Promising Early Diagnosis Technologies to Save Lives

You’ve been tasked to help save lives.  Specifically, you and the rest of healthcare IT are to look into the latest medical technologies for the early diagnosis of illness in patients. We help provide some guidance in that search, starting with what is early diagnosis and its importance in…

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Everything You Need to Know Before Buying an Anesthesia Cart

It’s not surprising the healthcare industry requires a lot of specialized equipment. Many of the tasks performed like surgery are unique. That’s why medical computers, for example, are used instead of off-the-shelf brands. Features like medical grade and fanless ensure they’re able to handle the…

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Why Personal Health Records are as Important as EHR and EMR

When most people hear of medical software, they imagine programs like electronic health records or telehealth. But it’s not just providers and healthcare IT who use them for the health industry. Patients are turning to software as part of their greater involvement in their health needs. We cover…

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5 Medical Software to Shape Healthcare’s Future

At first glance, modern healthcare looks like a chaotic mess. Think about all those hospitals and medical centers, providers, medical staff, pharmaceutical and research companies, and even patients themselves, vying to fulfill their part in treating the ill and sick. What are the stats of the…

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