3 Ways to Make Doctors Hate EHR a Little Less

We all know the truth: doctors and nurses would rather spend their time, you know, being doctors and nurses instead of crouched in front of dimly-glowing monitors, punching patient information into electronic health record systems. However, the fact remains that EHR can be extremely helpful for…

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Why Emergency Support Services Need Rugged Tablets

Emergency and support services are the glue that holds our society together, the mortar between the bricks, the last net before the fall. And while they’re certainly no stranger to technology and advanced tools, you might be surprised how much work something like a rugged industrial tablet can save…

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Fighting the Surprising New Flaws in Medical Cyber Security

Unfortunately for HIT professionals everywhere, cybersecurity is never a done deal. It’s not like building a skyscraper or carving a statue — they never get to step away, dust off their hands, and say “here it is!” Not only are hackers and other malefactors always innovating new methods for…

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4 Steps for Fighting Ransomware in Healthcare

Malware is bad news for any venture, but healthcare seems particularly vulnerable. Due to air-tight HIPAA regulations, a data breach or data loss by a healthcare facility costs more than just the ransom or the price of restoration. The fines for HIPAA breaches, just on their own, have been…

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How Technology Prevents HIPAA Violations

HIPAA violations are growing in number and cost, and have affected medical facilities of all sizes. While training and vigilance on the part of administrators and staff is a vital component to HIPAA compliance, the right technology can turn an open book into a bank vault. From secure medical grade…

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How to Prevent HIPAA Violations with a Secure Medical Computer System

The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was implemented in 1996, and set strict standards for properly securing medical records. The internet was only beginning to become a force in the world when HIPAA went into effect, and its creators could not have imagined the kinds of…

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Understanding the Move to Mobile and HIPAA

Five years after the Internet went live to an unsuspecting public - one that had no idea how much it would need cat videos, online shopping and binge-watching -  the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) was born in 1996. Fast forward more than 20 years and we’ve seen the…

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How to Avoid Data Corruption in Hospitals: Prevention Starts with Awareness

Technology in any industry is always subject to Murphy's Law; if a problem can arise, it will. That's the lay of the land in tech, and there's no avoiding it. However, awareness of data corruption in hospitals and being prepared with the right hardware helps any facility combat whatever…

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5 Ways Medical Tablets Boost Workflow and Cut Costs

The IT infrastructure convergence has been a hot topic across many sectors but is particularly relevant for healthcare. Tight budgets, stretched human resources, and increasingly strict regulations urge organizations to search for ways they can cut costs and increase patient satisfaction and staff…

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What The FDA’s Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices Means for Manufacturers of Medical Devices

The FDA‘s guidance on “Postmarket Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices”[PDF] is a complementary document for the 2014’s “Content of Premarket Submissions for Management of Cybersecurity in Medical Devices” [PDF]. The 30 pages of the guidance contain detailed recommendations, and the…

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