What is Edge Computing? Pros, Cons, and How to Get Started

The fourth industrial revolution is nigh upon us and has already given rise to industrial computers, factory automation, and so much more. And new innovations show no signs of stopping!  A survey conducted by the Manufacturers Alliance or Productivity and Innovation highlights this fact. According…

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Would Your Hospital Be Ready for Medicare For All?

Universal healthcare has always been a buzz-inducing topic, one that’s only increased in discussion as we begin to see plenty of candidates in 2020 promise some version of “Medicare For All.” And whether you believe it’s possible or that we’re simply not capable of providing it just yet, part of a…

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4 Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Industrial Sector

As technology advances and factories seek newer heights of productivity by employing these advances, we’ve seen the manufacturing sector as a whole grow more and more digitized. AI, 3D printing, robotics, industrial computers, the list of new innovations the industrial space has implemented is…

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What the Fourth Industrial Revolution Means for Your Factory

“Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term being thrown around frequently in smart factory, automation, and general manufacturing circles, but what does it mean for the owners and operators on the ground? Does the so-called fourth industrial revolution come with tools, industrial computers, and…

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The Benefits and Dangers of Digital Collaboration in Healthcare

One of the greatest barriers for healthcare success, from patient relationships to lab testing to second opinions, is simple geography. When you’re a patient, you’re limited to the doctors and facilities near you. For doctors, the distance of a lab, specialist, or pathologist limits both the speed…

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How Hackable Are Modern Medical Devices?

Headlines all around the medical community are decrying connected medical devices and the inherent danger from hackers.  But is there any truth to the concern? Should we be worried that nefarious keyboard cowboys are going to hack into our pacemakers and medical tablets and insulin pumps and cause…

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How Can New Technology Fulfill the Promise of Precision Medicine?

The future of medicine isn’t a matter of mass-market solutions, of one-size-fits-all medical treatment.  As it stands now, we must content ourselves with vaccines and surgeries and medicine that do the most good for the most amount of people: there are always going to be outliers, and cost and…

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Is Industrial Cybersecurity Even Possible?

Industrial control systems have made life easier for automation and manufacturing, and are a vital component in both the present and future of the industry. Unfortunately, with every new technology or process comes complications, unique problems that were unforeseen or impossible-to-imagine in the…

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Healthcare Needs to Communicate Better

Playwright George Bernard Shaw once famously said: “The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.” Anyone who’s ever worked in a hospital (or healthcare in general) can attest to just how sadly true that sentiment is. And while there are thousands of reasons…

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4 New Advances in Artificial Intelligence in the Healthcare Industry

Artificial intelligence is, no surprise, an evolving field of research and programming that is constantly churning out new tools.  The healthcare industry is, of course, a perfect use for many of these tools: healthcare is all about trying to find a way to sort through and understand a glut of…

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