4 Increasingly Impressive Healthcare Automation Solutions

When the time comes for a business or industry to change, the process can often seem simple – Adopt the newest tech, optimize using that tech, and bring your customers better service and value. Oftentimes, this is the case; however, healthcare has always been rather hesitant in its adoption of new…

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What is OT Security? IT vs OT Security Best Practices

It’s rather unfortunate but cybercriminal activities tend to rise in times of increased stress and anxiety. 2020 has proven to show no shortages of both stress and anxiety and the proportional rise in cybersecurity attacks across all industries tend to prove this trend. Many times, these…

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How to Build an Effective Healthcare Network Segmentation Strategy

We’ve discussed several times on this blog before the efficacy of hardware such as medical computer systems when it comes to fortifying your healthcare cybersecurity, but they’re by no means a “set it and forget it” solution. Cyberattacks are constantly occurring at more frequent rates and evolving…

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Blockchain for Food Safety: 4 Use Cases of Food Traceability and Control

When was the last time you sat down and really thought about where your food came from- What factories it traveled through, what processes the raw ingredients went through, how it was transported from farm to factory to store to table? Fortunately, the average consumer doesn’t need to obsessively…

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Healthcare Recession: How Can Providers Help Their Patients and Themselves?

When we think of a recession, we often tend to exempt healthcare facilities from the conversation. Afterall, people are constantly in need of healing and care. Because of this, many tend to think of a “healthcare recession” as nothing more than fiction and believe the industry as a whole is…

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Have Hospitals Begun Accepting Healthcare Innovation Technology?

Despite the constant release of ever-improving pieces of healthcare innovation technology, providers and facilities can be rather averse to adopting these new hardware and software. While there have been more popularly accepted pieces of tech, such as medical all in one PCs and EHRs due to their…

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What will the Medical Device Industry Look Like Post-COVID?

Recent global events have shown healthcare providers what being underprepared truly looks like. Not having enough staff, not having enough personal protective equipment, and especially not having the right alternative methods of administering care at the ready have rocked acute and emergency care…

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3 Ways to Improve Remote Cybersecurity While Everyone Works From Home

2020 has proven to be a year of compromise. The COVID-19 outbreak has caused several industries to adapt their workflows to remote work in efforts to avoid shutdowns and compromising employee safety. This is the right course of action, naturally, but there’s something that can’t be compromised on…

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Going Paperless in Healthcare: The Benefits and the Roadblocks

Patient data has become the cornerstone of healthcare in recent years. And while the term “data” may immediately conjure up images of computer databases and digital spreadsheets, for quite some time, the healthcare space actually preferred to use physical paper charting in order to record this…

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What is Machine Vision and How is it Evolving Manufacturing?

Being as impressive and versatile as they are, machines will continue involving themselves in the industrial space in higher and higher volume. Already we see vast saturation in this regard when you look at the use of industrial computer hubs for smart manufacturing, heavy machinery used to lift…

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