The Largest Business Data Breaches in 2023 (So Far)

Recently, we discussed some of the worst data breaches in healthcare for 2023. Unfortunately, the world of cybersecurity continues to be cursed to live in interesting times. Businesses in the United States and around the world remain juicy targets for cybercriminals looking to steal personal data,…

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Medical-Grade Tablets: Everything You Need to Know

Hospitals need a lightweight electronic device for tasks like charting, electronic health records access, and remote monitoring. Medical PCs can solve these tasks but are too heavy and bulky to carry around comfortably all day. Smaller devices like PDAs and smartphones could handle some of these…

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Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education Training Programs

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is already making inroads in many sectors of society. For healthcare, its reach influences from using electronic medical records (EMR) to protecting hospital networks from cyberattacks.  Artificial intelligence in medical education, which we’re covering today, looks…

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Top 10 Worst Healthcare Data Breaches of 2023 and How to Strengthen Cybersecurity

Healthcare can’t seem to get a break. It’s barely passed the halfway mark for 2023, and it’s been slammed in newsfeeds. Breaches in healthcare cybersecurity are estimated to affect more than 40 million Americans, potentially surpassing last year’s 52 million cyber break-ins.  We cover the 10…

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Why Cyber Insurance Is Important for Your Healthcare Organization

You just finished your last project of the day – installing custom anti-virus software on a medical tablet – when an email pops up in your inbox.  It’s from your supervisor. She needs some cost analysis figures on cyber insurance for healthcare asap. Someone in upper management is convinced being…

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How the Latest HIPAA Updates Affect Healthcare Providers and Patients

Medical computers of healthcare groups are filling up with news and discussions of possible new HIPAA rulings going into effect this year. We checked and verified it’s not only true, but the details on what those rules are have been released as well. We cover them today, as well as provide…

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How to Choose the Right EMR System for Your Practice

You’ve been tasked by your healthcare group to submit recommendations for its electronic medical records (EMR) platform. You know the right (or wrong) EMR systems will have an impact for years to come, affecting medical staff productivity and the choice of healthcare computer to display patient…

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Replace 6 Hospital Equipment with One Medical Computer or Tablet

Remember the days people used to walk with stereos and their arms fatigued from holding those bulky video cameras?  Now all those devices and functions fit in your pocket via your smartphone. A similar replacement, which we’re covering today, is happening in the healthcare industry thanks to…

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HIPAA Guidelines & What is HIPAA Compliance [Compliance Checklist]

You know what is an easy way to save 1.5 Million dollars? Follow HIPAA’s regulations. This is the amount that companies on average are paying for each HIPAA violation. That is not including possible job loss or jail time.  So how does one avoid such eye-popping fines and penalties? What…

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How to Prepare for a Digital Disaster

The phrase “disaster preparedness” typically conjures up the image of escape plans, first aid kits, bug-out bags, and hoarding bathroom supplies. There is even an entire subculture and industry built around preparing to survive all manner of cataclysms, from natural disasters to fantastical…

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