A Comprehensive Guide to Operating Systems for Healthcare Professionals

If you use computers, you’ve probably heard the term “operating system” at least a few times. You may even understand how critical an operating system, or OS, is for a computer to function in the first place. But what about the world of healthcare? As we’ve frequently explored, the healthcare…

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Maximizing Patient Care: The Benefits of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Healthcare providers need a reliable and secure way to record their work with patients. Elements like diagnoses, treatment history, and personal health information are all critical pieces of knowledge that must be documented and stored for future reference. Over the years, the method for storing…

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Safe and Secure: Eight Recommendations for Legacy Device Cybersecurity

Given the increasing threat of cyberattacks on the healthcare industry, both government agencies and private businesses have a vested interest in better protection from malicious actors. The threat has become so severe that in 2022, Congress tasked the FDA with assessing the cybersecurity strengths…

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Computer Lifespans And Design Features That Extend Them For Years

Whether you’re buying a single office PC or an entire shipment of medical-grade computers for a new hospital, you want to know you’re getting your money’s worth. In particular, you want to be sure that your new computers will last long enough for you to get a good return on your investment.…

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Beyond The Screen: A Comprehensive Guide to Privacy Filters In Healthcare Settings

When people think of cybercrimes, they think of things like phishing, firewalls, security encryption, and ransomware. These are all reasonable concerns, but one aspect of cybercrimes that often goes unremembered is “visual hacking.”  Visual hacking is exactly what it sounds like: malicious actors…

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Nurses’ Station: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Healthcare groups have numerous priorities to juggle when designing a hospital’s layout. They must move patients around efficiently, store supplies in convenient spots, and protect against potential radiological or chemical hazards.  Just as critical as these concerns is giving healthcare providers…

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Simplifying User Experience: The Advantages of Single Sign-On in Healthcare

During an average shift, providers must interact with multiple medical tablets and computers, constantly logging in and out as they go. This is a slow, tedious process, especially if they need to access multiple applications or websites that also require users to log in. This time gradually adds…

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Technologies in Smart Hospital Rooms and How They’re Changing Healthcare

With the help of smart rooms, hospitals hope to transform the patient experience by providing modern devices to make the patient’s stay much more comfortable than in a traditional space. While many aspects contribute to a fully integrated smart hospital room, the primary goal is to provide a more…

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Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Remember when you had to call your provider’s office to schedule an appointment to get a flu shot? Now, you can schedule one on the website of your local pharmacy. Want the best plastic surgeon, but she’s based halfway around the world? It’s not a problem as she remotely operates the robot…

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Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Threats & Their Prevention

The healthcare sector has benefited enormously from the widespread use of the Internet and specialized medical computers. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are just a few of the benefits that hospitals and practices enjoy in this digital age.…

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