The Importance of Monitor Brightness For Productivity and Eye Health

You may take for granted that you can always easily read what’s on your screen until the moment you can’t. Whether outside on a sunny day or inside in a brightly lit room, there are times when you have trouble viewing what’s on your device. On the other side of the problem, a…

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USB-C: The Unsurpassed Connector For Modern Medical Computers

Looking at the back or sides of your hospital’s medical computers can reveal a dizzying array of ports and plugs, all of them meant to interface with other devices and help you better treat your patients. In recent years, you may have noticed a new addition to this gathering of ports: a small,…

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Beyond Earth’s Atmosphere: Understanding the Challenges of Operating Computers in Space

If you were able to travel to space, would your smartphone or laptop work there? The short answer is likely yes, but not for very long. For a computer to properly function in space there are quite a few requirements that need to be met that you may not otherwise think about. Interestingly, many of…

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AI-Powered Medical Devices are Made Possible by Cybernet Manufacturing

The implementation of artificial intelligence (AI) in healthcare has been one of the most revolutionary changes for the sector in decades. Already, AI is used in everything from training healthcare workers to managing EHRs on a medical tablet to assisting surgeons in the operating theater. AI’s…

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How Smart Grid Technology is Revolutionizing Energy Management

You’re scanning inventory with your industrial tablet and its built-in RFID reader when the lights go out in the warehouse. You curse softly as you reach for your phone; this is the third blackout this month, and it’s not even summertime yet. Why aren’t the power companies doing something about…

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Digital Dentistry: What It Is and Where It’s Going

Over five thousand years have passed since the first recorded dentist looked into the mouth of a patient. Today’s dental pioneers, armed with cutting-edge technology, face even greater challenges in their quest to provide superior patient care, comfort, and treatment efficiency. In an…

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Cybersecurity in Healthcare: Threats & Their Prevention

The healthcare sector has benefited enormously from the widespread use of the Internet and specialized medical computers. Electronic health records, telemedicine, and Internet of Things (IoT) devices are just a few of the benefits that hospitals and practices enjoy in this digital age.…

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Cutting-edge Technology in Mining Safety: What You Need to Know

Worker safety is a priority for most companies for a variety of reasons. Yet how does one achieve it with mining and its many inherent dangers, like having thousands of tons of earth mere feet above the miners?  The answer lies in mining safety technology. Ranging from the use of robots to…

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Benefits of Artificial Intelligence in Medical Education Training Programs

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is already making inroads in many sectors of society. For healthcare, its reach influences from using electronic medical records (EMR) to protecting hospital networks from cyberattacks.  Artificial intelligence in medical education, which we’re covering today, looks…

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How Automation in Aerospace Enhances Efficiency and Safety

It is unsurprising that the aerospace industry is high-tech. There were nearly 39 million flights worldwide back in 2019. While this dipped in 2020 due to the pandemic, those numbers are expected to increase as restrictions continue to ease steadily.  It’s also expected for each one of those…

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