EHR and its Evolution into CHR: A Critical Look at Cutting-Edge Technology in Healthcare

Epic CEO, Judy Faulker, recently expressed her view how Electronic Health Records are evolving into Comprehensive Health Records—a term that evaluates more than just a specific window of sampling an individual's health from doctor visits. CHR is a term that may be invented as the new EHR,…

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3 Reasons to Move On From Consumer Tablets to Medical Grade Tablets

The demand for technology in the medical field is a constant. Staff needs to operate on computers around the clock, and that requires a constant “live” time. With this expectation, hardware failure is a natural expectation especially if it’s a few years old. It might be difficult…

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Here’s How Telehealth is Revolutionizing the Way We Practice Healthcare

Telehealth is a topic under heavy study because it's extremely effective at reducing time and streamlining processes for medical care. It's a complex umbrella term that addresses physician to patient interaction, how medical records are viewed and delivered, physician care and outreach, patient…

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3 Unique Point of Care Uses for Medical Computers

The term "point of care" may be a little bit unclear, so let's start off with defining what that means. Point of care testing suggests any medical treatment that can be done specifically where the patient is located. Often times at the bedside, but it could be in a patient’s home, at a doctor’s…

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3 Ways Healthcare Usage Dramatically Impacts Hardware Longevity

It's important for medical computers to operate 24/7 since healthcare is just as demanding. Internal components do not last forever, unfortunately, and demanding uptime for computers can seriously affect the longevity of hardware. According to an analysis by the Institute of Electrical and…

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Extending the Life of Medical Equipment with Medical Grade PCs

The IT challenges and needs for a healthcare facility are far different than those of a traditional enterprise. Mobility, EMR compatibility, as well as 24/7 operability must all be factored in. But even within the healthcare space, needs can vary tremendously. Consider the differences between a…

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How Companies are Automating the Warehouse with Industrial Tablets

Now that eCommerce has blossomed into the giant industry it is today, online retailers find automation is a more pressing need. Supply Chain Brief reports that Amazon hired over 120,000 workers one holiday season just to fulfill the influx of online orders—not a light expense! Automating the…

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For Medical Device Manufacturers, Compliance Can Hinge on your Technology Partner

There are constant revisions to compliance in the medical field; Wikipedia cites that the FDA recently released several regulations to medical devices and how they handle sensitive patient data. Cleanliness, compatibility, safety, and cyber-security standards are ever-changing. It can be maddening…

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How to Avoid Data Corruption in Hospitals: Prevention Starts with Awareness

Technology in any industry is always subject to Murphy's Law; if a problem can arise, it will. That's the lay of the land in tech, and there's no avoiding it. However, awareness of data corruption in hospitals and being prepared with the right hardware helps any facility combat whatever…

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5 Ways Medical Tablets Boost Workflow and Cut Costs

The IT infrastructure convergence has been a hot topic across many sectors but is particularly relevant for healthcare. Tight budgets, stretched human resources, and increasingly strict regulations urge organizations to search for ways they can cut costs and increase patient satisfaction and staff…

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