Why Emergency Support Services Need Rugged Tablets

Emergency and support services are the glue that holds our society together, the mortar between the bricks, the last net before the fall. And while they’re certainly no stranger to technology and advanced tools, you might be surprised how much work something like a rugged industrial tablet can save…

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6 Easy Ways for Your Hospital to Go Green

Going green isn’t just about recycling. Nor is it all about saving the environment. A strong green initiative reduces wastefulness, increases efficiency, aids the budget (especially in the long-term), and provides a healthier place to work. Unfortunately, healthcare’s “green credentials” leave…

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Industrial Tech Showdown: AR Glasses vs. Industrial Tablets

There’s no denying that augmented reality and virtual reality are taking massive leaps forward, and could integrate into our societies and workflows in exciting ways. But, when it comes to industrial uses, can a pair of AR glasses like HoloLens or Google Glass become a game changer? Could they…

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Fighting the Surprising New Flaws in Medical Cyber Security

Unfortunately for HIT professionals everywhere, cybersecurity is never a done deal. It’s not like building a skyscraper or carving a statue — they never get to step away, dust off their hands, and say “here it is!” Not only are hackers and other malefactors always innovating new methods for…

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Installing Commercial-Grade Tablets in a Medical Device is Asking for Trouble

A tablet is the perfect go-to for both the brains and user interface for a medical device: they’re slim, surprisingly powerful, easy to use, and simple to integrate into any given mount. However, grabbing the newest iPad or Tab and slapping it onto a machine may not be the hassle-free time-saver…

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Stopping Food Waste at the Industrial Scale

With a soaring population and only a limited amount of space to expand for the growth of food production, providing enough food for the entire population may hinge on our ability to eliminate food waste. Even worse, food waste also causes a chain-reaction of waste, from the fuels used to transport…

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4 Medical Devices that Absolutely Need Integrated Medical Computers

The days of enormous computers and huge medical devices are nearly over — as technology advances, it shrinks, and in no field is that more useful than in healthcare. Smaller tech means more mobile and agile medical services, which in turn means more options for patients and providers alike.…

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Is 5G Safe for Hospitals?

The battle for 5G has already begun, which could put a huge dent in healthcare innovation. All of the newest proposed healthcare revolutions require a bump in internet speed and bandwidth. Telehealth streaming, mobile clinics, remote surgery, augmented reality, and Internet-of-Things devices all…

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6 Reasons Not to Worry About Robots in the Operating Room

There’s no shortage of fear about automation, but most of it has to do with job loss. However, there is a unique anxiety that may have patients fearing their upcoming surgery appointment more than usual: the idea that a robot may be the one holding the scalpel. Robotic surgery is making…

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Is Your Hospital Ready for the Future of AI?

Leaps in computing power, programming abilities, and the web of interconnected devices has created a boom in artificial intelligence. A.I. will undoubtedly improve, disrupt, and alter every industry in the world, but it’s in healthcare that it could make the strongest impact. Artificial…

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