The Women Who Shaped the History of the HMI Interface

International Women in Engineering Day takes place every year on June 23rd. It is a day to highlight the contributions of women who have or who presently influence, inspire, and drive innovation in the world of engineering. Because of their work, we have great advancements in computer science,…

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How Industry 4.0 Can Make HVAC Factory Friendly

Many people see being an HVAC (short for Heating, Ventilation, and Air Conditioning) technician the same way they see being a plumber – a blue-collar trade for people looking for a career path that doesn’t require a college degree. In reality, just like plumbing, HVAC is a complex and…

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How Medical Computers Make Life Easier for CNAs

Every year, we celebrate Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day on the very first day of National Nursing Assistants’ Week. Career Nursing Assistant Appreciation Day is about honoring those who devote their careers to this incredibly vital profession. It’s a day to acknowledge the massive…

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Industry 4.0 & the Next Generation of Manufacturing Workers

Millennials, am I right? These kids with their safe spaces and avocado toast, when will they learn that the world… Just kidding! Had you going there for a second. In actuality, the oldest millennials are turning 40, and the rest are in their thirties or late 20s by now. Many of the youngest…

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How 3D Printing is Simplifying Repairs in Manufacturing

3D printing, also known as additive manufacturing, is a production process that has been helping manufacturers keep their systems running smoothly. When paired with an industrial panel PC, 3D printers are able to follow a digital model to create an object of any shape using a wide variety of…

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Industrial Computers and the Future of Sustainability

While the upheaval caused by COVID-19 has understandably dominated global attention for the past year and a half, it has distracted from another long-simmering crisis: climate change. The pandemic will subside, but our impact on the environment will remain. It’s easy to pay lip service to…

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Securing Healthcare Information in a Digital World

While the rapid advancements in telehealth and digital healthcare that have been spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic promise to deliver more care to more people more affordably, they have also opened up new avenues for bad actors to access sensitive information like patient data. It’s no secret…

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Medical Computers and the Hospital of the Future

With the advancements made in digital technology during the 2010s, we were already on the cusp of radical changes in medicine before COVID-19 hit. Now, things that just seemed like distant possibilities before have rapidly become inevitabilities. Telehealth was still a newfangled luxury at the…

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How Digitization Can Help Small Manufacturers

If you’ve read any manufacturing blogs or publications lately, you will have seen a lot of the same buzzwords pop up again and again. Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Factory, etc. It’s a lot to take in and all very confusing for small manufacturers who…

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Streamlining Nursing Workflows with Medical Computers

It’s sometimes easy to overlook, but nurses are, in a very literal sense, the backbone of the healthcare system. In fact, there are more nurses than there are members of any other profession within healthcare. Unfortunately, for too many nurses, the job is often a thankless, stressful, and…

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