Farm to Table: How Industrial Computers are Improving our Food Supply Chain

When you’re out shopping for groceries, you probably don’t consider how that bushel of apples or package of raw chicken reached the store shelf. But the process of getting food from the farm to your fork is one of the most important supply chains in the world. After all, how long would you last…

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Rugged Design 101

If you pay attention to advertising, chances are you see or hear terms like “rugged” and “military-grade” for products or devices used outdoors or in harsh environments. But what does “rugged” actually mean? Is it a meaningful descriptor or just a piece of marketing that sounds nice?  The truth is…

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Embracing Digital Transformation in Healthcare

Remember when you had to call your provider’s office to schedule an appointment to get a flu shot? Now, you can schedule one on the website of your local pharmacy. Want the best plastic surgeon, but she’s based halfway around the world? It’s not a problem as she remotely operates the robot…

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How Smart Grid Technology is Revolutionizing Energy Management

You’re scanning inventory with your industrial tablet and its built-in RFID reader when the lights go out in the warehouse. You curse softly as you reach for your phone; this is the third blackout this month, and it’s not even summertime yet. Why aren’t the power companies doing something about…

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Cutting-edge Technology in Mining Safety: What You Need to Know

Worker safety is a priority for most companies for a variety of reasons. Yet how does one achieve it with mining and its many inherent dangers, like having thousands of tons of earth mere feet above the miners?  The answer lies in mining safety technology. Ranging from the use of robots to…

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How Automation in Aerospace Enhances Efficiency and Safety

It is unsurprising that the aerospace industry is high-tech. There were nearly 39 million flights worldwide back in 2019. While this dipped in 2020 due to the pandemic, those numbers are expected to increase as restrictions continue to ease steadily.  It’s also expected for each one of those…

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Stay Ahead of the Game: Top Manufacturing Innovations for 2023

Wouldn’t it be great if we could see what’s the next big manufacturing innovation in the industry?  Unfortunately, there is no crystal ball to do so. Nor an app or webpage we can pull up on our industrial tablet. However, we look at some of the manufacturing trends from 2021. And from there, take a…

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CIP System: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Its Components

There was a time employees at a manufacturing plant would disassemble the machinery there and painstakingly clean up each piece of machinery.  That era is over, with today’s cleaning duties largely automated and controlled by industrial computers. Equally as important is the fact the cleaning…

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The Serial Port and Its Role in Today’s Technology

Ever been in this situation? You’ve received an order for medical computers for the hospitals in your local healthcare group. Or upper management wanted a bunch of new industrial computers for an oil refinery overseas. In both cases, the order required the PCs to have at least one serial port if…

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What is Factory Automation and How Does it Benefit Business?

The COVID-19 pandemic shut down much of the world’s major industries as people stayed home to protect themselves and their loved ones. Yet goods from clothing to toys continued to be available through online orders. Where did they come from? Production of these goods and similar products was…

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