Technology that Makes Sanitation in Food Manufacturing Possible

While food may be used to treat us at our sickest and weakest, it can just as quickly harm us if proper sanitation efforts aren’t taken at the stage of production. Sanitation in food manufacturing is beyond essential now and will only continue to grow in importance as time goes on. And food…

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4 Easy Ways to Modernize Legacy Industrial Equipment

Until the latest and greatest industrial technology comes free of charge, legacy equipment is always going to be an important part of any manufacturing process. Systems are being updated constantly, from robotics to sensors to industrial computers, and it’s simply not possible for most factories to…

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3 Precision Farming Solutions to Common Agricultural Problems

Whether you call it precision farming, precision ag, smart farming, or cyber agriculture, the bottom line is that success in the increasingly difficult work of modern agriculture lives and dies by embracing the latest technology. But these methods aren’t just about the newest and shiniest gadgets.…

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Why Emergency Support Services Need Rugged Tablets

Emergency and support services are the glue that holds our society together, the mortar between the bricks, the last net before the fall. And while they’re certainly no stranger to technology and advanced tools, you might be surprised how much work something like a rugged industrial tablet can save…

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Why Your Factory Needs Wireless Industrial Automation

Manufacturing plants can be a twisted snarl of machines, conveyor belts, robots, and cables. These busy floors become hard to navigate and nearly impossible to troubleshoot: if the line goes down, it becomes a titanic effort to trace every cable and point of connection. This impedes repair, which…

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How Do Industrial Computers Survive Extreme Heat, Cold, and Humidity?

Computers have penetrated every commercial, leisure, and industrial endeavor: they’re as ubiquitous as oxygen and just as necessary. However, not every venture takes place in a perfectly climate-controlled environment of ideal humidity and temperature. In fact, most manufacturing and industrial…

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Stopping Food Waste at the Industrial Scale

With a soaring population and only a limited amount of space to expand for the growth of food production, providing enough food for the entire population may hinge on our ability to eliminate food waste. Even worse, food waste also causes a chain-reaction of waste, from the fuels used to transport…

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4 Common Reasons for Industrial Computer Failure and How to Combat Them

Technology seems to be more of a slave to Murphy’s Law than any other human endeavor; if it can fail, it will. One moment you’re knee-deep in a spreadsheet working on data, and the next you’re staring at a crashed screen, cursing your bad luck, and pondering how much one-way…

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Can Smart Farming Solve the Food Crisis?

According to the “World Population Prospects” report published by the United Nations, Earth may play host to 9.7 billion people by 2050. With hunger already a problem in both developed and undeveloped nations (though at differing levels), how can food production match food needs over the next 30+…

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How to Streamline Asset Tracking with Industrial Grade Tablets

Whether you’ve never fully embraced asset tracking, are looking for a new method, or just want to save on paper, it’s time to look into a digital asset tracking system for the most important equipment in your facility. Asset tracking is different from inventory tracking, though they are commonly…

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