Industrial Tech Showdown: AR Glasses vs. Industrial Tablets

There’s no denying that augmented reality and virtual reality are taking massive leaps forward, and could integrate into our societies and workflows in exciting ways. But, when it comes to industrial uses, can a pair of AR glasses like HoloLens or Google Glass become a game changer? Could they…

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4 Common Reasons for Industrial Computer Failure and How to Combat Them

Technology seems to be more of a slave to Murphy’s Law than any other human endeavor; if it can fail, it will. One moment you’re knee-deep in a spreadsheet working on data, and the next you’re staring at a crashed screen, cursing your bad luck, and pondering how much one-way…

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Use of Industrial Computers in the Aerospace Sector

Few industries are more exciting or hold more potential for the future than aerospace: a merging of science, business and engineering to literally reach the skies. When most people think of the term, they think of planes, satellites and space shuttles, but the aerospace industry is actually quite…

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Industrial Automation & The Future of Employment

The discussion about industrial automation replacing the human workforce has a long history and goes back to the Industrial Revolution, but it is the advent of the PC in the 80s that has changed the way we work forever. The discussion has generated a number of myths. What often remains behind the…

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The Use of Industrial Computers in the Aerospace Sector

Over recent years, industrial computers have come to take on a critical role in a number of professions. The aerospace industry is one sector that has come to rely on the use of these devices to address a number of tasks and needs. Aerospace is chiefly concerned with the merging different streams…

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