Boosting Industrial Efficiency: The Advantages of Open Frame Panel PCs

Computers have always been an enticing addition to any industrial setting, whether that be a factory floor or an oil rig. Converting from analog to digital controls for greater precision and enabling machine-to-machine or Internet of Things communication can dramatically enhance a business’s…

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A Comprehensive Guide to Aircraft Assembly Line Equipment

Did you know the final assembly of an aircraft is primarily done by hand?  The Final Assembly Line (FAL) is the stage in aerospace manufacturing where the wings, tail, and other major plane parts are attached to the fuselage. Passenger seating, storage compartments, and electronics like rugged mini…

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How Industrial Computers Can Thrive In A Harsh Environment

The average industrial computer faces stresses that consumer-grade PCs never have to consider. Extremes in temperature, shock, vibration, and debris getting inside the computer threaten to damage or even destroy the device.  Fortunately, industrial panel PCs and tablets are designed with these…

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Beyond Earth’s Atmosphere: Understanding the Challenges of Operating Computers in Space

If you were able to travel to space, would your smartphone or laptop work there? The short answer is likely yes, but not for very long. For a computer to properly function in space there are quite a few requirements that need to be met that you may not otherwise think about. Interestingly, many of…

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How Automation in Aerospace Enhances Efficiency and Safety

It is unsurprising that the aerospace industry is high-tech. There were nearly 39 million flights worldwide back in 2019. While this dipped in 2020 due to the pandemic, those numbers are expected to increase as restrictions continue to ease steadily.  It’s also expected for each one of those…

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What Are Industrial Robots and What Do They Do

The first industrial robot, the Unimate, made its debut in 1962. First used in a General Motors plant, the robotic arm was quickly adopted by other automakers, then entire industries. We cover today what makes up an industrial robot, the different kinds, and – most importantly – what they do that…

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The Simple Difference between Rugged and Industrial Computers

You have been tasked to find new computers for the company’s manufacturing plants as part of a predictive analytics project. Off-the-shelf brands are off the table – the plants are working away 24/7 with many located in hostile climes like the middle of a desert.  So you turn to commercial…

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What the Fourth Industrial Revolution Means for Your Factory

“Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term being thrown around frequently in smart factory, automation, and general manufacturing circles, but what does it mean for the owners and operators on the ground? Does the so-called fourth industrial revolution come with tools, industrial computers, and…

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What is Additive Manufacturing and How Do You Get Started?

The concept of automation is hardly new to industrial manufacturing—in fact, they pioneered the practices.  Robots and factories go together like macaroni and cheese, and they have for half a century. However, there’s a new wave in manufacturing that could create just as much of a sea change as the…

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Policies That Could Change the Manufacturing Industry Overnight

There’s no denying that automation is the future of manufacturing: it would be impossible, considering its pretty much the present of manufacturing as well. And while news that “all robots will replace our jobs” in the next few years is generally overblown, it’s assured that there are profound…

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