How Fax Machines Hinder EMR (And How to Solve It)

Want to see if time-travel is real? Simply walk into any doctor’s office or a…

How Femtech Brings Balance to Healthcare for Women

Consider the following: In a fact sheet released by the US Department of…

3 Technologies That Are Advancing Hospice Care

Last year in March, the 4,600+ hospice facilities in the US effectively closed…

Best Practices for Manufacturers When Going Green

You already know that going green involves redesigning a single product or…

3 Approaches to Protecting Your Networks on Computer Security Day

November 30th, 1988, should be marked as a day of infamy for our modern,…

hand holding barcode label on shipping box

How RFID and Barcode Scanners are Reducing Production Errors

Wouldn’t it be great if no one made errors? Unfortunately, that’s…

4 Ways Medical Computers Empower Legacy Healthcare Applications

You would think the healthcare industry would be at the forefront of…

automotive industry to resume production

How is the Automotive Industry Planning to Safely and Efficiently Resume Production?

UPDATE 11/05/2021: It has been eighteen months since we covered the automakers’…


How Technology Can Improve Factory Working Conditions Without Sacrificing Productivity

Factories, warehouses, and construction sites are some of the most dangerous…

Green Hospital

6 Easy Ways for Your Hospital to Go Green

Going green isn’t just about recycling. Nor is it all about saving the…