10 Ways Hospitals Can Boost Energy Efficiency

Energy efficiency presents both a challenge and an opportunity for healthcare…

How Aging Medical Technology Can Be Upgraded Or Integrated Into A New System

Value now plays a big role in health care more than ever and impacts the…

Benefits Of Industrial Tablets In Manufacturing

Industrial tablets are becoming increasingly popular in the manufacturing…

The Importance Of Real-Time Communication Technology In The Event Of A Disaster

Healthcare facilities are complex ecosystems with hundreds of clinical and…

Flexible Open Frame Panel PC – Advantages, Market Segments, and Important Features

Flexible open frame panel PCs are built from ground up to be easily integrated…

Integrating Computers That Serve Dual Purposes Into The Medical Space

Health IT is improving patient health, data collection and safety, care quality…

The Benefits Of A Mini Rugged As A Point Of Sale Computer

Leveraging Point of Sale In any competitive business, the point of sale is a…

How Medical Patient-Side Computers Are Used By Doctors And Patients

Computer technology and healthcare are no longer separable, with the rapid…

The Dramatic Growth of Medical Automation

Medical automation market is experiencing a dramatic growth, according to…