Trenches Doctor

In the Trenches: What Are Doctors Saying About Telehealth?

It’s easy to get excited about the newest healthcare trends; it’s much…

Industrial Computer Problems

4 Common Reasons for Industrial Computer Failure and How to Combat Them

Technology seems to be more of a slave to Murphy’s Law than any other…

Physical therapy computer

4 Medical Devices that Absolutely Need Integrated Medical Computers

The days of enormous computers and huge medical devices are nearly over — as…

5G Internet Healthcare

Is 5G Safe for Hospitals?

The battle for 5G has already begun, which could put a huge dent in healthcare…

Industrial Tablet for Drone Mining

How the Mining Industry Has Embraced the Drone Revolution

There are few industries older than mining — agriculture and pottery have slim…

6 Reasons Not to Worry About Robots in the Operating Room

There’s no shortage of fear about automation, but most of it has to do with…

Ransomware Healthcare

4 Steps for Fighting Ransomware in Healthcare

Malware is bad news for any venture, but healthcare seems particularly…

Industrial Tablets for Construction

The 8 Best Uses for Industrial Tablets in Construction

Either your company already has industrial tablets for construction work and…

AI Healthcare

Is Your Hospital Ready for the Future of AI?

Leaps in computing power, programming abilities, and the web of interconnected…

Surprising Uses for RFID

4 Surprising Uses for Industrial RFID Technology

Have you read the glowing praises of industrial RFID and barcode technology,…