4 Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Industrial Sector

As technology advances and factories seek newer heights of productivity by…

Personalization Could be the Key to Ending EHR Physician Burnout

In healthcare, the right technology implemented the right way can perform…

Veteran Healthcare

Innovating Veteran Care with the Latest Medical Computers and Technology

It’s not controversial to say that veteran care needs work: defending those…

How Hospitals Use Computers Today

How Hospitals Use Computers Today

Healthcare facilities tended to stay a little behind the curve when it came to…

Fourth Industrial Revolution

What the Fourth Industrial Revolution Means for Your Factory

“Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term being thrown around frequently in…

4 Easy Ways to Modernize Legacy Industrial Equipment

Until the latest and greatest industrial technology comes free of charge,…

Smart farming

3 Precision Farming Solutions to Common Agricultural Problems

Whether you call it precision farming, precision ag, smart farming, or cyber…

Disaster Healthcare

Is Your Hospital Ready for Hurricanes and Other Disasters?

Hurricanes are in the news right now and are a real danger for millions of…


The Benefits and Dangers of Digital Collaboration in Healthcare

One of the greatest barriers for healthcare success, from patient relationships…

Hacking medical devices

How Hackable Are Modern Medical Devices?

Headlines all around the medical community are decrying connected medical…