The Importance of Hospital Equipment Ergonomics

Healthcare providers are dedicated to the health and well-being of others. Sadly, the nature of their work often exposes healthcare employees to diverse hazards, from toxic materials to workplace injuries.  In navigating these challenges, integrating ergonomic principles enhances workplace safety,…

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The Future of Smart Buildings: Revolutionizing the Way We Live

You’ve just secured a new job after months of searching, and you arrive at the new office. The security bar at the parking lot lifts after scanning your car’s license, letting you in. You don’t stop at the front desk to check in or secure an ID card. Instead, you’re tracked via an app on your…

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How Computer Manufacturers Prevent Their Devices From Failing

The worst has happened: you’re at your workstation, typing away at a document or chart on your computer. Then, without warning, your screen goes black or displays a confusing and fragmented set of images before completely shutting down. You press some keys and mash the power button, but nothing…

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Nurses’ Station: What It Is and Why It’s Important

Healthcare groups have numerous priorities to juggle when designing a hospital’s layout. They must move patients around efficiently, store supplies in convenient spots, and protect against potential radiological or chemical hazards.  Just as critical as these concerns is giving healthcare providers…

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Mini PCs Versus All-In-One PCs: How to Choose

The time has come to upgrade your company’s computers. You’ve identified the need; now you just have to find the solution. But when it comes to computers, what’s the right choice? In the industrial sector, two types of computers have become popular: miniature box PCs and all-in-one (AIO) PCs.  Both…

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Simplifying User Experience: The Advantages of Single Sign-On in Healthcare

During an average shift, providers must interact with multiple medical tablets and computers, constantly logging in and out as they go. This is a slow, tedious process, especially if they need to access multiple applications or websites that also require users to log in. This time gradually adds…

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How to Clean Medical Computers (Tips & Best Practices)

Cleaning computers and related accessories often in a medical environment is extremely important to reduce the spread of healthcare-associated infections (HAI). According to the Center for Disease Control, there are 1.7 million HAIs every year, which is approximately 5% of the patients admitted to…

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Healthcare Technology’s Impact on Modern Medicine

Technology has changed every aspect of human existence, including healthcare. From writing prescriptions with quills and ink to maintaining detailed patient databases, healthcare technology has become essential to delivering effective and efficient medical care.   Healthcare technology ensures…

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What Role Does Environmental Regulations Play In Healthcare Technology?

Environmental protection is a concern for manufacturers of every stripe. From construction to heavy machinery to medical computers, consumers and governments expect products to be developed and manufactured to preserve the environment and reduce resource consumption.  To this end, major regulatory…

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