2024’s Top Healthcare Technology Trends

With 2023 firmly in the rear-view mirror, the healthcare sector now turns its gaze to 2024. 2023 saw its fair share of economic and political turmoil worldwide and the explosive growth of generative AI.  ChatGPT and similar programs are poised to disrupt almost every industry imaginable, and…

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Maximizing Patient Care: The Benefits of Cloud Computing in Healthcare

Healthcare providers need a reliable and secure way to record their work with patients. Elements like diagnoses, treatment history, and personal health information are all critical pieces of knowledge that must be documented and stored for future reference. Over the years, the method for storing…

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The Impact of Humidity on Medical Computers: How to Protect Your Device

We’ve all experienced that muggy, unpleasant summer day where it feels like the air itself is clinging to your skin. The culprit in that situation is high humidity, where high amounts of water vapor in the air make the weather feel hotter than it actually is. Humidity isn’t just an unpleasant…

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Essential Emergency Room Equipment

In the fast-paced, high-stakes world of the Emergency Room (ER), having the right equipment on hand is not just about efficiency—it’s about saving lives. Essential ER equipment, from advanced diagnostic tools to life-sustaining devices, forms the backbone of effective emergency care, enabling…

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Safe and Secure: Eight Recommendations for Legacy Device Cybersecurity

Given the increasing threat of cyberattacks on the healthcare industry, both government agencies and private businesses have a vested interest in better protection from malicious actors. The threat has become so severe that in 2022, Congress tasked the FDA with assessing the cybersecurity strengths…

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Intel’s AI Technology: Impact on Today’s Business and Tomorrow’s Industry

ChatGPT. Midjourney. Generative AI. You can’t visit any online news service or social media site without being bombarded about artificial intelligence. While much has been made about AI software’s effects on society, from the job market to the digital transformation of healthcare,…

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Investing in Quality: Why OR Equipment Matters in Healthcare

Worldwide, over 300 million surgeries are performed each year, with US surgeons performing around 64 million procedures alone. To maximize each surgery’s success, hospitals equip their surgical teams and operating theaters with the best possible tools and equipment. Today’s article will…

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Computer Lifespans And Design Features That Extend Them For Years

Whether you’re buying a single office PC or an entire shipment of medical-grade computers for a new hospital, you want to know you’re getting your money’s worth. In particular, you want to be sure that your new computers will last long enough for you to get a good return on your investment.…

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Why Computer ENERGY STAR Ratings Matter More Than You Think

You cannot miss the ENERGY STAR® labels. The distinctive white letters-on-blue square can be found on many products, from appliances like washers and dryers and medical monitors, to the latest high-rise buildings. While many shoppers simply ignore them, to many more they’re an essential requirement…

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