4 Cybersecurity Best Practices for the Industrial Sector

As technology advances and factories seek newer heights of productivity by employing these advances, we’ve seen the manufacturing sector as a whole grow more and more digitized. AI, 3D printing, robotics, industrial computers, the list of new innovations the industrial space has implemented is…

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Personalization Could be the Key to Ending EHR Physician Burnout

In healthcare, the right technology implemented the right way can perform miracles towards optimizing patient care. One need just look at remote monitoring tools, medical grade computers, and health tracking wearables for perfect examples of seamless tech integration.  The right technology…

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Innovating Veteran Care with the Latest Medical Computers and Technology

It’s not controversial to say that veteran care needs work: defending those who’ve defended all of us at the cost of their minds and bodies needs to be a higher priority.  But how can we achieve these goals with the often limited budgets veterans’ healthcare facilities and organizations are often…

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How Hospitals Use Computers Today

Healthcare facilities tended to stay a little behind the curve when it came to integrated computer use in the past, especially when compared to other industries such as manufacturing. However, with the ever-growing popularity of medical computers, hospitals and clinics have found themselves in the…

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What the Fourth Industrial Revolution Means for Your Factory

“Fourth Industrial Revolution” is a term being thrown around frequently in smart factory, automation, and general manufacturing circles, but what does it mean for the owners and operators on the ground? Does the so-called fourth industrial revolution come with tools, industrial computers, and…

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4 Easy Ways to Modernize Legacy Industrial Equipment

Until the latest and greatest industrial technology comes free of charge, legacy equipment is always going to be an important part of any manufacturing process. Systems are being updated constantly, from robotics to sensors to industrial computers, and it’s simply not possible for most factories to…

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3 Precision Farming Solutions to Common Agricultural Problems

Whether you call it precision farming, precision ag, smart farming, or cyber agriculture, the bottom line is that success in the increasingly difficult work of modern agriculture lives and dies by embracing the latest technology. But these methods aren’t just about the newest and shiniest gadgets.…

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Is Your Hospital Ready for Hurricanes and Other Disasters?

Hurricanes are in the news right now and are a real danger for millions of people on the east coast of the United States.  However, disaster can strike tragically at any time, from multiple different vectors: earthquake, flooding, storms, tornadoes, and snow. Unfortunately, recent data shows that…

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The Benefits and Dangers of Digital Collaboration in Healthcare

One of the greatest barriers for healthcare success, from patient relationships to lab testing to second opinions, is simple geography. When you’re a patient, you’re limited to the doctors and facilities near you. For doctors, the distance of a lab, specialist, or pathologist limits both the speed…

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