Would Your Hospital Be Ready for Medicare For All?

Universal healthcare has always been a buzz-inducing topic, one that’s only increased in discussion as we begin to see plenty of candidates in 2020 promise some version of “Medicare For All.” And whether you believe it’s possible or that we’re simply not capable of providing it just yet, part of a…

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A Few Problems Medical Professionals Face with EHR Compatibility

According to HealthIt, more than 95% of hospitals and office-based physicians have started utilizing EHR software. It’s clear use of EHR software has become the majority standard in a decade. Medical professionals stick by this method of health IT and information monitoring because it reduces…

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6 Devices Taking the Pain Out of IV Placement

While it is no doubt one of the most common procedures in the hospital, the insertion and placement of intravenous catheters can still be a tricky process, even for veteran nurses. Luckily, whether for hydration or medication, there are a whole host of new technologies, medical computers, and…

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Is Augmented Reality in Healthcare Really the Future?

Technology is constantly coming and going within healthcare. Some of it, like medical grade computers and patient wearables, stay in the mainstream and enhance patient care, while others, like EHRs and artificial intelligence, need a little more time in the oven.  And while this may sometimes feel…

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Software as a Service and its Impact on the Manufacturing Industry Explained

Manufacturers and factories may look like they’re constantly on the cutting edge of automation and technology, but the truth of the matter is, their excitable adoption of new hardware hardly matches the rather luke-warm reception new software receives. And one can hardly blame them. The industry is…

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What Tech is Needed for Effective Clinical Collaboration Systems?

Doctors, nurses, and health professionals are like monoliths of information and experience when it comes to how the human body functions and heals. As impressive as these meticulously trained healers can be and despite technological advances in EHRs and medical computers, they’re still only human.…

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How Warehouses can Optimize Order Picking for Greater Productivity

With industrial computers and automation opening the floodgates for greater efficiency and optimization, warehouse managers have begun looking to integral parts of their operation to enhance for further productivity.    Order picking is one such essential part of the order fulfillment process. In…

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3 Tricks to Lower Energy Costs in Factory Automation

While the new frontier of fully-automated, lights-off manufacturing is a goal (and a possibility) for many manufacturers, all is not roses and rainbows on the other side of the robot revolution.  Automation is expensive to set up, true. The calibration process can be long and arduous, and mistakes…

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Understanding Healthcare AI’s Crucial Flaw and its Upcoming Solution

Artificial intelligence has been mystified to the point of near satire with films such as iRobot, Her, and more. And while we can never be too sure of what the future holds, knowing the current advancements and limitations of AI, specifically in the case of healthcare and medical grade computers,…

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