Industry 4.0 and the Future of Reverse Logistics

With the COVID-19 pandemic, more and more people have been turning to online retail to purchase goods. Of course, higher volumes of purchases bring higher volumes of returns. Given that online retail is poised to increase its dominance in the coming decades, businesses will have to develop robust…

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How Industrial PCs are Shaping Clean Energy

The future is green. We’ve been hearing it for years. However, for most of the past five decades, clean energy just has not been economically feasible on a large scale. Despite finite supply and increasing environmental pressure from climate change, we are still largely reliant on fossil fuels for…

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Why Specialty Healthcare Will Go Remote

While the rest of the world fights to end the pandemic and return to normal, the pre-pandemic normal will never return for the healthcare industry. While several of the emergency protocols demanded by social distancing measures and surging infection rates will disappear, many of the technical…

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How Industry 4.0 Will Change the Oil and Gas Industry

As it has on every other industry, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a marked impact on the Oil and Gas Industry. Already trending downward before the virus, worldwide public health lockdowns caused oil consumption to shrink dramatically. Nevertheless, despite ongoing mass vaccination efforts and a…

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How the Internet of Medical Things is Changing Healthcare

Even though the healthcare industry is often reticent to adopt new technology, the Internet of Medical Things (IoMT) was already starting to alter the field of medicine radically before COVID-19 hit. Well, to adapt an old aphorism, necessity is the mother of innovation. COVID-19 has obliterated…

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Why a Long Product Life Cycle Matters in Healthcare

Regular readers of this blog will know that medical computers offer healthcare facilities many benefits over consumer-grade units. Beyond the advantages of their industry-specific features, one edge that medical computers have over the alternatives is their long life cycle. A product’s life cycle…

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Smart Factories and Their Use of Industrial Computers

With the advent of Industry 4.0, traditional factories are becoming obsolete. Though factories are no stranger to automation, advancements in industrial computers, artificial intelligence, IoT (Internet of Things), cloud computing, and other highly advanced digital technologies have completely…

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4 Ways Medical Computers Empower Legacy Healthcare Applications

You would think the healthcare industry would be at the forefront of technological adaptation and development, or at least be interested in replacing obsolete and outdated hardware or software. That is not usually the case and for good reason. Legacy products ﹘ outdated software, hardware, or both…

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How AI Helps Healthcare Improve Post-Facility Care

Healthcare for any given person isn’t something that ends as soon as they leave the hospital. Bar certain conditions and emergencies, illnesses are things that a patient will need to manage and care not to exacerbate even after they receive proper treatment from a professional. Whether this need…

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