Securing Healthcare Information in a Digital World

While the rapid advancements in telehealth and digital healthcare that have been spurred on by the COVID-19 pandemic promise to deliver more care to more people more affordably, they have also opened up new avenues for bad actors to access sensitive information like patient data. It’s no secret…

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Enterprise Computers Fill the Need for Reliable School Technology

The use of technology in the classroom has significantly expanded what educational institutions have to offer. As new technology permeates society, industries like education — which thrive on the interconnectedness of their staff and student body — have reaped the benefits of integrating computer…

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iPad vs Rugged Tablet – Which Device Wins on the Manufacturing Floor?

It may not seem like a fair comparison to pit a common iPad against a Rugged Industrial Tablet, but with the prevalence of handheld devices in the manufacturing industry, it’s important to know what your tech can do.  The major differences lie in the physical durability of each device, the…

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Medical Computers and the Hospital of the Future

With the advancements made in digital technology during the 2010s, we were already on the cusp of radical changes in medicine before COVID-19 hit. Now, things that just seemed like distant possibilities before have rapidly become inevitabilities. Telehealth was still a newfangled luxury at the…

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How Medical Tablets Enhance Care at Mobile Clinics

We’ve discussed at length how COVID-19 has changed healthcare on this blog, but one thing we haven’t discussed as much is the way it has highlighted inadequacies and inequalities that already existed. The pandemic has made clear that the existing methods of delivering care to patients left many…

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How Digitization Can Help Small Manufacturers

If you’ve read any manufacturing blogs or publications lately, you will have seen a lot of the same buzzwords pop up again and again. Industry 4.0, Industrial Internet of Things, Additive Manufacturing, Smart Factory, etc. It’s a lot to take in and all very confusing for small manufacturers who…

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Streamlining Nursing Workflows with Medical Computers

It’s sometimes easy to overlook, but nurses are, in a very literal sense, the backbone of the healthcare system. In fact, there are more nurses than there are members of any other profession within healthcare. Unfortunately, for too many nurses, the job is often a thankless, stressful, and…

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Industrial Cybersecurity Beyond the Firewall

Given that businesses across nearly all industries have been using computers for several decades now, you would think that Cybersecurity would be a non-issue. It is natural to assume that companies would, by default, have robust systems in place to deal with the threats they face after all this…

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How Industry 4.0 can Maximize the Potential of ERP

It has long been true that effective communication is integral for a business to run smoothly and efficiently. The different departments of a company, from purchasing, to logistics, to accounting, etc., all need to work in concert to maximize productivity. And while ERP software has facilitated…

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