Top 10 Worst Healthcare Data Breaches of 2023 and How to Strengthen Cybersecurity

Healthcare can’t seem to get a break. It’s barely passed the halfway mark for 2023, and it’s been slammed in newsfeeds. Breaches in healthcare cybersecurity are estimated to affect more than 40 million Americans, potentially surpassing last year’s 52 million cyber break-ins.  We cover the 10…

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Water in a Laptop? Dangers of Spills And What You Need to Know

A drink spill, from water in the laptop belonging to the CEO, or coffee all over the PC controlling the factory’s automation system, almost always causes a panic among workers. Will the computer boot up? Or is it time to ring up IT and get a replacement? We cover such too-common incidents today,…

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All In One PCs: How to Choose the Perfect One

Your company is looking to switch from desktop computers to an All in One (AIO) PC like enterprise PCs. Upper management still wants justification before they make their final decision, though. So we compare the two in today’s article, as well as covering laptops, which is a common alternative. You…

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CIP System: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding Its Components

There was a time employees at a manufacturing plant would disassemble the machinery there and painstakingly clean up each piece of machinery.  That era is over, with today’s cleaning duties largely automated and controlled by industrial computers. Equally as important is the fact the cleaning…

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How AI Dentistry Is Transforming Dental Solutions

Just as medical computers are a specialization of computers for healthcare, AI dentistry is the application of artificial intelligence to oral health. Today’s article covers four ways the emerging technology is transforming how dentists bring health care to their patients.  AI Dentistry and…

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The Benefits of Telehealth Psychiatry: Why It’s a Game-Changer

Telemedicine has allowed patients and doctors to reach each other and treat illnesses without physically being in the same room. Providers can see, hear, and even examine their patients remotely on their medical computers and advise the appropriate treatments. Can the same be done with mental…

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Challenges and Opportunities With Hospital Waste Greenhouse Gas Emissions

You’ve been tasked to bring your hospital in compliance with the government’s latest climate control directive on greenhouse gas emissions. This ranges from the facilities to equipment like medical computers.  From finances to personnel to time, your resources are limited. What do you focus on…

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Intel Processors: Which is Best Suited for Your Business Needs?

You’ve been tasked to evaluate the processing power of the industrial panel PCs for a new site. You contact your IT department who promptly send their recommendations of Intel processors. You can’t make heads or tails of the email message, which largely consists of letters and numbers like Core…

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Why Cyber Insurance Is Important for Your Healthcare Organization

You just finished your last project of the day – installing custom anti-virus software on a medical tablet – when an email pops up in your inbox.  It’s from your supervisor. She needs some cost analysis figures on cyber insurance for healthcare asap. Someone in upper management is convinced being…

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