Beyond The Screen: A Comprehensive Guide to Privacy Filters In Healthcare Settings

When people think of cybercrimes, they think of things like phishing, firewalls, security encryption, and ransomware. These are all reasonable concerns, but one aspect of cybercrimes that often goes unremembered is “visual hacking.”  Visual hacking is exactly what it sounds like: malicious actors…

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Better and Faster Results: The Power of Edge Computing in Healthcare

Data drives modern medical technology. Over 10 billion Internet of Things (IoT) medical devices measure and report information like heartbeat rate, blood pressure, glucose levels, and more. This data must be processed and analyzed so that healthcare providers can make better-informed treatment…

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Legacy Compatibility: Why It’s Important for Industrial, Medical, and Enterprise Computers

Ever use a single-purpose fax machine? Or have you watched technicians manually checking gauges of old mass printers at a manufacturing plant?  Both the devices above are legacy systems and play essential roles in every sector of the economy. We cover them in today's article: what they are, why…

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Cybernet’s Partners And How They Make Us Better

As the saying goes, “No man is an island.” As it turns out, the same goes for businesses. Every company, no matter how skilled or capable its employees may be, needs business partners to deliver the best possible product or service to its customers.  At Cybernet Manufacturing, we rely on our…

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Barcode Scanning in Healthcare: Benefits, Uses & Adoption

Operating a hospital requires managing an overwhelming number of elements, from dispensing medication and managing inventory to admitting, treating, and discharging patients. Tracking all of these different elements is beyond any one person’s ability. Fortunately, technology exists to accomplish…

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Why Veterinary Clinics Use Medical Grade Computers

Humanity has practiced veterinary medicine for as long as we’ve domesticated animals. From ancient Egypt to China, veterinarians have treated the animals we call pets and beasts of burden since 3000 BCE.  But like the broader healthcare field, veterinary medicine has experienced massive…

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