What is Right to Repair and How Does it Affect Medical Devices?

Right to Repair (RtR, R2R) is a movement by consumers and repair shops to have Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEM) make available normally proprietary information of their products, as well as provide any necessary tools and spare parts. That way, product owners or such shops can make repairs or…

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How Fax Machines Hinder EMR (And How to Solve It)

Want to see if time-travel is real? Simply walk into any doctor’s office or a hospital and ask to use their fax machine.  This everyday device, whose heyday was back in the late 1980s, is still lumbering along in a world of telemedicine, medical computers, and artificial intelligence. Nearly 90…

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4 Reasons to Use Medical Grade Monitors in Diagnostic Imaging

In 1895, physicist Wilhelm Röntgen revolutionized the field of medicine when he inadvertently created the world’s first radiographic image by passing his hand in front of a cathode ray tube. Today, more than a century later, digital technology allows doctors to capture diagnostic images with a…

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