Neonatology: Care of Premature and Very Sick Newborns

In the past we discussed the uses for computers in a medical healthcare facility or hospital. While we provided some solid guidelines, we didn’t address the various departments, their specialties, and unique requirements. Here we’ll be covering one of them ﹘ the neonatal intensive care unit  ﹘…

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How Medical Grade Computers Are Used in Emergency Rooms

In the past we discussed the uses for computers in a medical healthcare facility or hospital. While we provided some solid guidelines, we didn’t address the various departments, their specialties, and unique requirements. Here we’ll be covering one of them ﹘ the emergency department or emergency…

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How Modern Hospital Waiting Rooms Provide Safety and Reduce Wait Time

No one likes waiting in waiting rooms. Especially if one is sick or has a loved one in a hospital ward. Realizing this, medical clinics and hospitals made many changes to make the experience more bearable. COVID-19 shifted these efforts, making safety the priority for patients and staff. We’ll be…

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Medical Coders vs AI – Who Will Be Employed In the Future?

Medical coding is the review of medical documentation for billing and database purposes. Coders, as professionals in the field are called, do so by assigning standard codes to items like the names of diseases, medical conditions, and even instruments used.  Today, many coders are concerned if their…

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EMTs Working Blind – Importance of Electronic Health Records

You’re driving to work when the traffic jam ahead forces you into the next lane. There’s been an accident and it’s a bad one. As you pass the tangled mess of glass and metal, you give silent thanks at the familiar sounds of ambulance sirens coming up from behind you.   Emergency medics are usually…

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Defining Computer Reliability

Imagine you launch the messaging app on your phone and it turns on the camera instead. Or your laptop only powers up 30 percent of the time. Neither of these scenarios would be a pleasant experience. Most of us would probably ditch the offending device into the nearest trash bin. We expect our…

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How to Prepare for a Digital Disaster

The phrase “disaster preparedness” typically conjures up the image of escape plans, first aid kits, bug-out bags, and hoarding bathroom supplies. There is even an entire subculture and industry built around preparing to survive all manner of cataclysms, from natural disasters to fantastical…

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How to Choose the Best Rugged Tablet for Construction

Your construction company wants tablets for its crews out in the field. The reasons you get vary from increased worker safety to the upcoming construction boom.   You have been tasked to select those tablets. Where do you start? What do you look for? Right now, all you know is the regular,…

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Advantages of Predictive Analytics in Manufacturing

Data analytics is the practice of examining raw data to find insight and even answers to a company’s select questions. For businesses like manufacturing, it’s used to figure out key information such as why plants are breaking down or identifying trends like customer purchases during hurricane…

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SSD or HDD: Which Should I Choose?

Nowadays, it almost seems like consumers have unlimited digital storage space available to them. In 1983, a box of 10 5.25″ floppy disks with 360Kb of space cost $45. Today, a two-terabyte USB drive costs less than $20. Because space is no longer at a premium, the critical question customers…

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